
Notes on the Five Views of Food Storage

(XNUMX) No life exists alone

(XNUMX) No life exists alone

While listening to me, we are going to have lunch for this.After everyone receives it, open the lid and make offerings to the Buddha. Cover the Buddha and cannot eat it.Buddha eats every day, he only eats one meal, opens it, and listens to my explanation first. Later, we will have a ceremony for offering to the Buddha. Everyone will recite together. The most important thing is to eat and save the five views. We usually this is our monk. It is one of the five lessons we have to do when all the people are in the hall and when the Sangha is going to use the fast.

Then this layman also needs to have this kind of visualization when we eat, because everyone should not want to say that I bought this dish and this meal with money. Of course I can eat it. It seems to be right. But have you ever thought that sometimes money may not buy food, money can make ghosts, but it may not be able to solve all things, so we must be grateful, although there is money to buy, but, if not The farmer worked hard to grow rice fields. There are no vegetable farmers, I know that I have grown vegetables myself. That is also very hard.

If there is no one to transport these foods, or even if we are in this dojo, without these volunteers and Bodhisattvas, we must learn from them, and we must be generous. Don’t just take it for granted, sit back and enjoy the results, without the slightest gratitude. , Even if you bought everything with your own money, then you are just damaging your blessings and not following the path. Therefore, even when we are dining, we must be grateful at home and eat in our hearts. There are also these five visualizations at that time.

The first one is to remember how much credit we have, and compare the amount of credit to the source. Think about it, how much credit do we have?No, when we were born, we came naked, without anything, and then we began to accept the support, care of our parents, and even enter the society, the boss of the company, colleagues, friends, how much we accept the favor of others, and even For people who don’t know, we just said, like farmers, all these things.

There is no way for a person to survive in society. It is the power of all people to provide us with peace and health, and even the country, the country is kind to us, right?Let us not have to survive the war. There are too many people who are kind to us, but what about ourselves?Think about it, how much credit do we have, how much credit do we have?What have you paid to this society?No, so what kind of heart should I eat?Thanksgiving, ashamed.

Respectful excerpts from the disciple Meihua (approved by Master Renjing)
(XNUMX) Five views should be kept in mind when accepting offerings
(XNUMX) As long as the holder of righteous thoughts is allowed to have no food for lunch
(XNUMX) Not eating after noon has more advantages than disadvantages
(XNUMX) Nourishes the rituals