
第二場 【第1 至 2願】

Chapter 2  【1st and 2nd Vow】

仁敬法師講經《四十八願要義  講記節錄》

第一場 【談學佛因緣與出家心路歷程】

(一) 與大馬同修結法緣
尊敬的諸位會長, 尊敬的諸位大德同修, 尊敬的籌辦人, 大家晚上好!
Respected Chairmen, respected Dharma Masters and fellow practitioners, respected organizers, good evening!
從今晚開始, 我們即將在麻坡威德酒店的會議廳當中, 進行連續五天的講經法會。這個法會的發起因緣, 究竟來講可以說是完全是阿彌陀佛光明所加持而成就的。 我們這一次這個法會, 主要要利益的對象是, 特別針對我們, 麻坡三個淨宗學會的老同修們; 其次當然也藉由這樣殊勝的場地, 希望能夠有更多的初學者, 可以來共同學習。那麼我們這一次的籌辦人, 據我所知他特別希望能夠, 藉著這一次請轉法輪的因緣, 能夠讓我們麻坡淨宗學會的所有的老同修們, 可以增加一個彼此共同學習, 共同交流的機會。 所以這一次我們能夠藉由這個法會聚集了我們麻坡三個淨宗學會的同修, 這個因緣可以說非常的難得, 也是史無前例的。
Starting from tonight, we will hold in WeiDe Hotel, Muar, at the Conference Room, a Dharma meeting for five consecutive days. The causes and conditions for holding this Dharma meeting is in the end completely coming from the blessings of Amituofo. For this Dharma meeting, the main servicing audience is especially for long-term practitioners practitioners of the  three Amitabha Buddhist Societies in Muar; secondly, of course, by making use of this great venue, we hope that more beginners can have an opportunity to study with us. Our organizers, as I know, he especially hopes that, with this cause of asking to expound the law, an opportunity will be provided for all the long-term practitioners, of the Amitabha Buddhist Societies in Muar, to study and practice together, an opportunity for communication and experience-sharing. Therefore, this time by organizing this Dharma conference, we are able to gather practitioners of the three Amitabha Buddhist Societies in Muar to come together, this is a very special and rare opportunity, an unprecedented one.
那麼今天是第一天的法會, 參與的同修很明顯的, 看起來有一點陰盛陽衰。這種情況看來, 確實我們末法時期的同修, 老和尚講的, 還是女眾比較容易成就。不過確實也是非常的難得, 如果不是阿彌陀佛威神光明的加持, 恐怕這也是相當不容易的。 因此末學也是非常的榮幸, 能夠接受這一次的祈請, 再一次回到我們麻坡地區, 來參與這一次非常有意義的學習。同時也非常感謝我們, 威德酒店的相關負責人, 他們的隨喜護持。
This is the first day of the Dharma meeting, it is obvious from the participants that there are more females than males. From this situation
it is indeed true that, during the Dharma-ending period , as our Old Venerable Master said, it is the female practitioners who can more easily succeed. However, this opportunity is actually very rare and special, if it is not due to the blessings of Amitabha Buddha’s light and magic power, it will probably be difficult to make this event a reality. I am honored to accept this invitation  to return to Muar, and to participate in this
very meaningful learning experience. I also want to offer many thanks
to the management of WeiDe Hotel for their kind support.
前不久大約在一個月前, 我才受邀到我們麻坡麻哈拉里淨宗學會, 和大家有過七天的學習。這個因緣也是非常的殊勝, 可以說這自麻哈拉里學會成立以來, 從來沒有法師連續有過七天的講演。 而且同修們在這七天的出席當中, 都非常的踴躍; 從最初的第一天四五十個人參與, 可能是消息還不太靈通, 一直到最後一天竟然爆滿, 百多人擠不下了。更殊勝的是與會的同修, 無論是初學或是老參, 個個臉上都是洋溢著法喜充滿! 很明顯的個個都能夠接收到, 阿彌陀佛光明的加持! 同時也正說明我們的同修, 確實是善根福德因緣具足。所以在七天的法會結束的最後一天, 同修們非常的發心, 求受三皈或者是五戒。 這種情況也是很少見的, 所以確實我們麻坡地區的同修, 將來能夠念佛成佛的人數, 一定相當多。 所以藉著這一次, 再度回來的這個因緣, 我們在這裡還有五天的時間, 可以來深入探討。 希望除了可以再進一步的增長我們的老同修, 對於這個法門的信心更提升之外, 當然也特別的希望讓我們第一次來參加聽講的妙音淨宗學會以及麻坡淨宗學會的同修們也能夠獲得相同的感應。
Not too long ago about one month before, I was just invited to
the Maharani Amitabha Buddhist Society in Muar for a seven-day study with everyone. That was also a very special affinity it can be said,
since the start of Maharani Amitabha Buddhist Society. There was not any Dharma Master who gave lectures for seven consecutive days. Moreover, the participating practitioners of these seven days were all very enthusiastic; from the first day of the meeting, there were forty to fifty participants, perhaps the news had not been widely spread, till the venue was fully packed at the last day of the meeting, with more than one hundred participants. What was even more special is that, regardless of beginners or experienced practitioners, everyone's face glowed with the joy of hearing the Dharma! It was clear that everyone had received the blessings of Amitabha Buddha's light!  At the same time, it showed that our fellow practitioners are well equipped with roots of goodness, blessings and causal conditions. Therefore, the seven days of the Dharma meeting,
in the last day of the meeting, many fellow practitioners aspired to
take refuge in the Three Jewels or receive the Five Precepts. This situation is also very rare, hence, in fact, fellow practitioners in Muar, the number of those who will attain Buddhahood by reciting Amitabha Buddha's name
will be pretty large. By taking this affinity of returning to Muar, we still have five days to further study Buddhism in depth. We hope that besides further strengthening the long-time fellow practitioners' belief in this Dharma method to be further raised, we especially hope that the first time participants from the Miaoyin Amitabha Buddhist Society and practitioners from the Muar Amitabha Buddhist Society can receive the same benefits and responses.
那麼在這五天的講習當中我們, 籌辦人他也特別的為大眾啟請,希望在每一個晚上的講習末後, 能夠安排有半個小時的時間, 給大家現場提問問題。 這樣就能夠更直接的在短短的五天之內能夠幫助大家突破眼前的修學上的瓶頸。希望大家都能夠熱烈的提問, 但是問的不要太難, 太難我就要先回去問阿彌陀佛。

During this five-day Dharma meeting, the organizer has specially requested that at the end of the lecture of every night, we would arrange half-an-hour for everyone to pose questions. This would directly help within the five short days for everyone to break through the bottle neck of their practice and study. Please be active to ask questions, but not too difficult ones, or I will need to go back to ask Amitabha Buddha for answers.

我們這次的學習主要的範圍, 就是我們訂定的講題《無量壽經四十八願要義》。 這個部份是我們修學淨土的念佛人所必須要學的範圍, 四十八願是阿彌陀佛親口為我們宣說的, 透過世尊的轉述, 那麼這四十八願也關係著我們這一生修學能不能夠圓滿成就。

The main coverage for this study is the title of the lecture, 《The Essentials of Forty-eight Vows of the Infinite Life Sutra 》. This part is what Pure Land practitioners, Buddha-name reciting practitioners must learn, The Forty-eight Vows are what Amitabha Buddha himself proclaims to all of us,

and was passed on to us by the World Honorable One, The Forty-eight Vows concerns whether or not our practice in this lifetime can achieve perfect success.

所以我們特別藉由這一次的帶領大家, 我們共同來深入也不斷的熏修這個核心的部份, 希望能夠幫助大家在某一個當下就能夠生起決定往生的信心。在座的每一位, 無論是老菩薩或者是小朋友, 每一個人都有機會, 因為我們這個法門百分之百是靠佛力加持! 所以只要我們方法得當, 自然在某一個當下, 就能夠完全的感應, 完全的契入。

 Therefore by taking this rare opportunity, we hope to lead all practitioners together we will have an in-depth and continuous study of this essential part, we hope to help everyone at some moment to establish a full faith to attain rebirth.  Everyone at this meeting regardless of elderly Bodhisattvas or young children has the opportunity to do so, because this Dharma method is one hundred percent reliant on Buddha-power!

Therefore, as long as we have the right method, it is natural that, at a single moment, people can receive a full response, having deeply understood through practicing of the teachings completely. 
