- 無量壽經四十八願要義講記節錄 The Essentials of Forty-eight Vows from the lnfinite Life
- 第一場【談學佛因緣與出家心路歷程】-----Chapter 1 【On the causes and condition of practising Buddhism and the psychological journey of becoming a Buddhist Monastic】
- 第二場 【第 1 至 2 願】-----Chapter 2 【1st and 2nd Vow】
- 第三場 【第 3 至 9 願】-----Chapter 3 【3rd to 9th Vow】
- 第四場 【第 10 至 14 願】-----Chapter 4 【10th to 14th Vow】
- 第五場 【第 15 至 21 願】-----Chapter 5 【15th to 21th Vow】
- 第六場 【第 22 至 27 願】-----Chapter 6 【22nd to 27th Vow】
- 第七場 【第 28 至 34 願】-----Chapter 7 【28th to 34th Vow】
- 第八場 【第 35 至 48 願】-----Chapter 8 【35th to 48th Vow】
- 在疫情面前的保命之道 The way to save lives in the face of a Pandemic


(一) 與大馬同修結法緣
Respected Chairmen, respected Dharma Masters and fellow practitioners, respected organizers, good evening!
從今晚開始,我們即將在麻坡威德酒店的會議廳當中,進行連續五天的講經法會。這個法會的發起因緣,究竟來講可以說是完全是阿彌陀佛光明所加持而成就的。 我們這一次這個法會,主要要利益的對象是,特別針對我們,麻坡三個淨宗學會的老同修們; 其次當然也藉由這樣殊勝的場地,希望能夠有更多的初學者,可以來共同學習。那麼我們這一次的籌辦人,據我所知他特別希望能夠,藉著這一次請轉法輪的因緣,能夠讓我們麻坡淨宗學會的所有的老同修們,可以增加一個彼此共同學習,共同交流的機會。 所以這一次我們能夠藉由這個法會聚集了我們麻坡三個淨宗學會的同修,這個因緣可以說非常的難得,也是史無前例的。
Starting from tonight, we will hold in WeiDe Hotel, Muar, at the Conference Room, a Dharma meeting for five consecutive days. The causes and conditions for holding this Dharma meeting is in the end completely coming from the blessings of Amituofo. For this Dharma meeting, the main servicing audience is especially for long-term practitioners of the three Amitabha Buddhist Societies in Muar; secondly, of course, by making use of this great venue, we hope that more beginners can have an opportunity to study with us. Our organizers, as I know, he especially hopes that, with this cause of asking to expound the law, an opportunity will be provided for all the long-term practitioners, of the Amitabha Buddhist Societies in Muar, to study and practice together, an opportunity for communication and experience-sharing. Therefore, this time by organizing this Dharma conference, we are able to gather practitioners of the three Amitabha Buddhist Societies in Muar to come together, this is a very special and rare opportunity, an unprecedented one.
那麼今天是第一天的法會,參與的同修很明顯的,看起來有一點陰盛陽衰。這種情況看來,確實我們末法時期的同修,老和尚講的,還是女眾比較容易成就。不過確實也是非常的難得,如果不是阿彌陀佛威神光明的加持,恐怕這也是相當不容易的。 因此末學也是非常的榮幸,能夠接受這一次的祈請,再一次回到我們麻坡地區,來參與這一次非常有意義的學習。同時也非常感謝我們,威德酒店的相關負責人,他們的隨喜護持。
This is the first day of the Dharma meeting, it is obvious from the participants that there are more females than males. From this situation it is indeed true that,during the Dharma-ending period, as our Old Venerable Master said, it is the female practitioners who can more easily succeed. However, this opportunity is actually very rare and special, if it is not due to the blessings of Amitabha Buddha’s light and magic power, it will probably be difficult to make this event a reality. I am honored to accept this invitation to return to Muar, and to participate in this very meaningful learning experience. I also want to offer many thanks to the management of WeiDe Hotel for their kind support.
前不久大約在一個月前,我才受邀到我們麻坡麻哈拉里淨宗學會,和大家有過七天的學習。這個因緣也是非常的殊勝,可以說這自麻哈拉里學會成立以來,從來沒有法師連續有過七天的講演。 而且同修們在這七天的出席當中,都非常的踴躍; 從最初的第一天四五十個人參與,可能是消息還不太靈通,一直到最後一天竟然爆滿,百多人擠不下了。更殊勝的是與會的同修,無論是初學或是老參,個個臉上都是洋溢著法喜充滿! 很明顯的個個都能夠接收到,阿彌陀佛光明的加持! 同時也正說明我們的同修,確實是善根福德因緣具足。所以在七天的法會結束的最後一天,同修們非常的發心,求受三皈或者是五戒。 這種情況也是很少見的,所以確實我們麻坡地區的同修,將來能夠念佛成佛的人數,一定相當多。 所以藉著這一次,再度回來的這個因緣,我們在這裡還有五天的時間,可以來深入探討。 希望除了可以再進一步的增長我們的老同修,對於這個法門的信心更提升之外,當然也特別的希望讓我們第一次來參加聽講的妙音淨宗學會以及麻坡淨宗學會的同修們也能夠獲得相同的感應。
Not too long ago about one month before, I was just invited to the Maharani Amitabha Buddhist Society in Muar for a seven-day study with everyone. That was also a very special affinity it can be said, since the start of Maharani Amitabha Buddhist Society. There was not any Dharma Master who gave lectures for seven consecutive days. Moreover, the participating practitioners of these seven days were all very enthusiastic; from the first day of the meeting, there were forty to fifty participants, perhaps the news had not been widely spread, till the venue was fully packed at the last day of the meeting, with more than one hundred participants. What was even more special is that, regardless of beginners or experienced practitioners, everyone's face glowed with the joy of hearing the Dharma! It was clear that everyone had received the blessings of Amitabha Buddha's light! At the same time, it showed that our fellow practitioners are well equipped with roots of goodness, blessings and causal conditions. Therefore, the seven days of the Dharma meeting, in the last day of the meeting, many fellow practitioners aspired to take refuge in the Three Jewels or receive the Five Precepts. This situation is also very rare, hence, in fact, fellow practitioners in Muar, the number of those who will attain Buddhahood by reciting Amitabha Buddha's name will be pretty large. By taking this affinity of returning to Muar, we still have five days to further study Buddhism in depth. We hope that besides further strengthening the long-time fellow practitioners' belief in this Dharma method to be further raised,we especially hope that the first time participants from the Miaoyin Amitabha Buddhist Society and practitioners from the Muar Amitabha Buddhist Society can receive the same benefits and responses.
那麼在這五天的講習當中我們,籌辦人他也特別的為大眾啟請,希望在每一個晚上的講習末後,能夠安排有半個小時的時間,給大家現場提問問題。 這樣就能夠更直接的在短短的五天之內能夠幫助大家突破眼前的修學上的瓶頸。希望大家都能夠熱烈的提問,但是問的不要太難,太難我就要先回去問阿彌陀佛。
During this five-day Dharma meeting, the organizer has specially requested that at the end of the lecture of every night, we would arrange half-an-hour for everyone to pose questions. This would directly help within the five short days for everyone to break through the bottle neck of their practice and study. Please be active to ask questions,but not too difficult ones, or I will need to go back to ask Amitabha Buddha for answers.
我們這次的學習主要的範圍,就是我們訂定的講題《無量壽經四十八願要義》。 這個部份是我們修學淨土的念佛人所必須要學的範圍,四十八願是阿彌陀佛親口為我們宣說的,透過世尊的轉述,那麼這四十八願也關係著我們這一生修學能不能夠圓滿成就。
The main coverage for this study is the title of the lecture, 《The Essentials of Forty-eight Vows of the Infinite Life Sutra 》. This part is what Pure Land practitioners, Buddha-name reciting practitioners must learn, The Forty-eight Vows are what Amitabha Buddha himself proclaims to all of us, and was passed on to us by the World Honorable One, The Forty-eight Vows concerns whether or not our practice in this lifetime can achieve perfect success.
所以我們特別藉由這一次的帶領大家,我們共同來深入也不斷的熏修這個核心的部份,希望能夠幫助大家在某一個當下就能夠生起決定往生的信心。在座的每一位,無論是老菩薩或者是小朋友,每一個人都有機會,因為我們這個法門百分之百是靠佛力加持! 所以只要我們方法得當,自然在某一個當下,就能夠完全的感應,完全的契入。
Therefore by taking this rare opportunity, we hope to lead all practitioners together we will have an in-depth and continuous study of this essential part, we hope to help everyone at some moment to establish a full faith to attain rebirth. Everyone at this meeting regardless of elderly Bodhisattvas or young children has the opportunity to do so,because this Dharma method is one hundred percent reliant on Buddha-power! Therefore, as long as we have the right method, it is natural that, at a single moment, people can receive a full response, having deeply understood through practicing of the teachings completely.
(二) 遇出家師父應求法勿戲論
那麼首先我還是要簡單的自我介紹,因為今天有許多同修都是第一次見面。那麼同時我們這一次的光碟,也很有可能會流通供養大眾,希望凡是有緣能夠結法緣的人當下都能夠生起決定往生成佛的信心。所以為了防止有些同修看到我老是要追問 : 「法師妳為什麼要出家? 妳為什麼要學佛?」還有人問: 「妳這麼年輕就出家,會不會太可惜了?」 問到這個我都不曉得怎麼回答, 所以乾脆也就藉著這個機會,希望將來以後同修有疑問自己去看光碟. 有時候問得我還挺尷尬的,怎麼可惜呢?
First, I would like to give a brief introduction of myself, because many practitioners are meeting me for the first time today. In the meantime, the DVDs that we are recording this time will very likely be circulated to benefit the community, we hope that those with the affinity to be able to connect with the Dharma at this very moment, can give rise to the determination in rebirth into Pureland and attaining Buddhahood. To prevent some practitioners from asking me relentlessly: Master, why have you chosen a monastic life? Why have you chosen to study Buddhism? Someone even asked: “becoming a nun at such a young age is it not a waste?” I do not know how to answer such a question, henceforth, I am taking this opportunity to give a complete explanation, hoping that in the future fellow practitioners will look for answers in this DVD. I felt somewhat embarrassed when being asked such a question, how is it a waste?
這個有一次特別印象深刻,在大陸我曾經也在海內外各地和一些同修結緣,那麼有一次在大陸火車站等車,迎面而來有一個男眾,看起來就像大企業家風度翩翩, 然後他一走過來也很有禮貌,馬上站起來位置讓給我坐, 九十度鞠躬說: 師父請坐。你知道嗎? 大陸到處都是人山人海, 要有一個空位坐還真是不容易,那我看到他那麼客氣, 我就接受坐下來,坐下來以後他馬上就在旁邊,開始跟我自我介紹, 同時也談了一下對於《金剛經》的領悟,《金剛經》在我們一般人的概念當中,你能夠瞭解《金剛經》講的這種空性的道理,那可能這個人境界也挺高的。
An incident that left quite a deep impression, when I was in mainland China connecting with overseas and local practitioners, once I was waiting at a mainland railway station, a gentleman came towards me, one who came across as a suave entrepreneur was very polite as he walked towards me, he immediately stood up and gave up his seat for me, he gave me a ninety degree bow and said: “Please sit down, Master.” You know? With so many people in mainland China, to get an available seat is really not easy, I found that he was very polite, hence I accepted his seat, after I sat down, he stood by my side and immediately started to introduce himself, and also talked about his understandings of Diamond Sutra, Diamond Sutra in most laymen’s conception, if one can understand Diamond Sutra and talk about the nature of emptiness, it is possible that one has attained a relatively high realm of understanding.
所以一般人知識份子很喜歡談空說法,就像我們的蘇東坡大文學家, 總是談空說法夜不眠。因為很客氣又接受了他讓的位置,我只好耐心的聽...聽了幾分鐘以後…我發現其實我已經知道他大概有幾兩重,那我還是很客氣繼續聽講, 結果他講了幾分鐘講不下去了,因為已經沒有料了。他突然之間話鋒一轉,「師父妳為什麼要出家? 妳出家這麼年輕不是很可惜嗎? 」他那個語氣有一點在搭訕的感覺,讓我有一種被污辱的感覺,很尷尬不知道怎麼回答。
Hence most intellectuals like to talk about emptiness and Dharma, just like our famous writer, Su Dong Po who liked to talk about emptiness and the Dharma, not sleeping for entire nights, because he was very polite I accepted his seat, I patiently listened to his talk…after a few minutes… I already knew more or less how much he understood, I still politely listened to his talk, eventually he was not able to continue after a few minutes, because he ran out of content. He suddenly changed a topic and asked, “Master, why did you want to become a nun? You are a nun at such a young age is it not a waste?” His tone and manner of speech felt like he wanted to get to know me, and it felt somewhat insulting, I was too embarrassed to answer him.
但是當然他沒有惡意的,這是世間人的習性,男眾女眾之間這個往來交談, 大概他們習慣上都是這樣子。那於是我就當時我一聽,其實感覺真的不太好,也不太習慣。那我也不擅於應酬,所以我當下這個臉有點拉下來了,剛剛已經坐了半天那個客氣, 反正我已經聽了你幾分鐘的表演,這個時候我就不跟你客氣了。 我說:「你難得遇到法師遇到一個出家眾,你為什麼不把握時間問一些對你自己有幫助的事情呢? 我為什麼出家? 我出家可不可惜關你什麼事?」
Of course, he was not with ill intention, this was just a habit of worldly people, conversations between men and women being used to this manner of conversation. When I heard this question, I really did not feel well about it, I was not used to it. I am also not good at entertaining people socially, I immediately pulled a long face, and I had been trying to be polite. I had already listened to his performance for a few minutes, I would not be polite this time. I said: "It is a rare opportunity for you to meet a Master, to meet a monastic practitioner, why don't you use this time to ask some questions helpful to you? Why have I decided to become a nun? Whether it is a waste or not how does that matter to you?”
這很兇喔! 沒辦法, 因為當時受到污辱的感覺, 那事實上我的內心,並沒有責怪他的意思。只是總是覺得以往的這個觀念來講,男眾跟女眾之間談話,也要有一點分寸。更何況對出家人! 好像隨隨便便搭訕總是不太禮貌,那當時他就很尷尬,可是還好還滿有風度的,沒有翻臉萬一翻臉的話,我還真不知道怎麼應付。
I was pretty harsh! I had no other option, because I felt insulted but in truth, in my heart I did not blame him. I just thought that as a basic etiquette conversations between a man and a woman should observe a certain limit. Let alone talking with a nun! Initiating a casual conversation with a nun is not very appropriate, he was very embarrassed at that moment but he still kept his manner, he did not turn angry, if he did turn angry, I would not know how to handle the situation.
Therefore, by taking this opportunity, I will give a brief introduction of my experience, although I feel that I have nothing of importance that is worth talking about, it is being accountable to all my personal learning experience.
(三) 冥冥中感應了學佛因緣
我遇到佛法是在1996年左右,大概15年前,那是一個無意中偶然的機會,到現在我還沒有辦法理解,它到底是什麼狀況? 什麼原因? 只能說是三寶加持! 那是一個很奇特的一個因緣,有一天我正在家裡面掃地,通常我看電視只看兩台,一台是新聞台,一台是西洋電影, 結果那一天家裡的電視莫名奇妙竟然跳到佛教台,那一離就幾十台了,怎麼可能? 不小心轉也不可能那麼厲害! 更何況我根本沒有去動它。
I encountered Buddhism in around 1996,about fifteen years ago, that was an unexpected and accidental opportunity, until now I still could not understand how it happened? What was the circumstance? What was the reason? I can only say that it is the blessing from the Triple Gems! A very magical affinity, one day I was sweeping the floor at home, I usually only watched two TV channels, one was a news channel, the other was a foreign movie channel, on that day the TV channel at home switched to the Buddhism channel for no apparent reason, that was ten channels apart, how could that have happened? Even if I had happened to make a wrong switch, in fact, I never touched it.
突然之間從我背後傳來的聲音,正是我們老和尚,淨空老和尚他在闡述極樂世界的依正莊嚴。我記得當時他正講到,如果我們往生到極樂世界去,那裡一切都是心想事成。 如果我們要吃飯,肚子餓了要吃飯,也不用煮啦,你動個念頭飯菜馬上現前。吃完了還不用洗,念頭一動又馬上消失...。我聽到這個特別的引起我的興趣,因為那時候我才二十多歲,對於這種每天要煮三餐,煮完了又要吃,吃完了又要洗,又油膩膩的,感覺到真的也是一大煩惱。 一天三次那可不是小問題,我一聽到這個精神為之一振,引起我的注意,於是我就把掃把丟到一旁去,我就坐下來很認真的聽。
A voice suddenly came from my back, that was the voice of our Old Venerable Master, Venerable Master Chin Kung. He was describing the adornment of the World of Ultimate Bliss from the responses of one’s pure and wholesome karma. I remembered that he mentioned if we were to be reborn in the World of Ultimate Bliss, we can have every wish come true over there. If we like to eat, to eat when we are hungry, we do not need to cook, the food will be there once you think about it. You do not need to wash dishes after you eat, just thinking about it will make the dishes disappear..... When I heard of this, it especially attracted my attention, because I was only in my twenties, as for the three meals a day, you need to eat after you have cooked it, after eating, to wash the dishes and it was very greasy, this seemed to be a huge burden for me. Three times a day is not a small issue, my spirits were lifted when I heard that, it caught my attention, I then threw the broom aside, I sat down and listened intently to what he was saying.
結果一看, 這個老法師看起來很莊嚴。這個氣色神采飛揚, 又是一臉慈祥的相貌,看起來應該不會騙人。可是, 他講的又太玄了! 真的要我相信也真的有點難,不過當時的那種內心…真的很希望它就是真的,有一點期待那種心情,於是我這個地也不掃了,我就直接看到那個淨宗學會, 這個流通處, 電視一關馬上打電腦查連絡處,查清楚地址, 立刻去借了一套《無量壽經》回來。
I saw the Old Venerable Master looking very dignified. Lively and with high spirits, with such a kind appearance, not the kind who would deceive people, but what he talked about was simply too mysterious! It was hard for me to believe, but, at that moment, from the bottom of my heart I really hoped that it is true, I had some feelings of anticipation, and then stopped sweeping the floor, I saw directly Amitabha Buddhist Society’s circulation department [for Dharma treasures]. After turning off the TV, I immediately searched the website for contact information to find out the address and went there to borrow a copy of Sutra of Infinite Life.
整整在家裡關了一個月, 其實在那一個月當中, 我已經早就發心了。可以說, 從看完了...無意中看到, 老和尚介紹這一段之後的, 大概十分鐘以後, 我內心其實已經有一股很強烈的這種希望, 希望它是真的, 我要去極樂世界! 這個念頭已經生起了, 那麼透過這一個月的當中, 我整個人是整個投入的, 白天當然依教奉行, 拜佛、念佛、背經, 我最先背的就是四十八願, 還有第四十七品:「 若不往昔修福慧,於此正法不能聞…」那偈頌很容易背, 那整整一個月很多感應, 所謂的日有所思夜有所夢, 晚上睡覺都是一大堆經文飄上來, 還常常見佛, 在夢中見佛。 這個很多同修都有的, 我們不要想得那麼玄嘛, 日有所思夜有所夢喔! 初學的時候常常得到三寶的加持。
I stayed inside the house for a whole month. Actually, within that one month, I had already made up my mind. I should say that when I finished reading by chance, after this particular lecture of our Old Venerable Master, about ten minutes after I watched it, in my mind I already had a very strong wish, wishing that it is true, I want to go to the World of Ultimate Bliss! This thought had already arisen in my mind, within this one month, I was completely immersed, I followed religious instructions in the daytime bowing to the Buddha, reciting Amitabha Buddha's name and memorizing sutras, I first memorized the Forty-Eight Vows and the Forty-Seventh Chapter: “If one had not accumulated one’s blessings and wisdom from one would not have the chance to hear about the Dharma” This Dharma verse was easy to memorize, I received numerous connections responses in the month, akin to the so-called dreaming about what one thinks in day time, my dreams at night lots and lots of sutras levitated towards me, I often saw Buddhas, saw Buddhas in my dream. Many fellow practitioners have similar experiences, do not think that it is too unbelievable, you dream about what you think of in the day! At the early stage of study, I often receive a lot of blessings from the Triple Gems.
大概將近有一個月的時間, 突然有一天驚醒, 有一種驚醒的感覺, 看到自己時間過得那麼快,整整一個月,我幾乎都不太出門,吃也是隨隨便便的。 雖然還沒有到那種三月不知肉味的那種定境。可是確實整個心思都在裡面,突然之間有一種害怕的感覺,一種情緒浮上來... 完了...我整個人都變了!
It lasted for about one month, I suddenly woke up one day, I had a feeling of being awoken, seeing that time passed by so quickly. For a whole month, I practically did not leave the house, the meals were also very casual. Even though I had not reached that sort of being in a meditative state of not knowing the taste of meat for three months. I have indeed put all of my attention into it, I suddenly had a feeling of fear, a fearful feeling that arose...I am done for... I have completely become a changed person!
變到怎麼樣? 變到我平常每天,固定那個時間所做的事情,每天都做的事情,我竟然忘得一乾二淨,當時的那種心情真的有點害怕! 怕什麼呢? 怕我改天一走出門,人家把我當作神經病! 好像跟社會的人都不一樣了,內心產生一種恐慌的感覺,那後來當然我就腳步就緩下來。當時的那種情境,我學習幾年之後,一直到大陸,也去參訪了很多的善知識,我也請教他們,他們說太可惜了。 妳當時如果一頭栽進去,不用到一年,可能念佛三昧都有希望,全心投入!
To what extent was the change? I had changed so much that for some routine that I performed, things that were done on a daily basis, I had completely forgot about them, at that instance, I was rather frightened! What was I afraid of? I was afraid that if one day I stepped out of the door, everyone would think that I had gone crazy! Completely different from the people of the society, I started to feel panic on the inside, I then slowed down my pace. The situation at that time was many years after I studied Buddhism, until I went to mainland China, also after visiting and learning from many knowledgeable teachers, I also consulted them, they said that it was a pity if I had taken the plunge and continued the same pace of learning without slowing down, in less than one year, it was hopeful that I might have attained the Buddha’s absorption of mindfulness, a wholehearted devotion!
所以我們修學這個法門,不論你是老修還是初學,平等的修因,平等的成就, 就看你什麼時候能夠契入。所以說我們這一次的,五天的法會隨時隨地,都有可能在當下,就有把握畢業了,有把握這一生決定往生成佛,這個不是鼓勵的話,這是如實說!
Therefore, as you learn and practice this Dharma, regardless of being a beginner or long term practitioner, the equal cultivation of the right causes results in an equal achievement, all depending on when you can deeply understand through practicing of the teachings. Therefore, during this five-day Dharma meeting, anytime and anywhere, it is possible that at the very moment, you will have the confidence to graduate, having the decisive confidence to attain Buddhahood in one lifetime, this is not just words of encouragement, it is speaking the truth as it is!
(四) 發心大量流通法寶
那麼之後我發現這樣不行,當時也沒有對象,可以請教那個境界,所以我就開始腳步緩下來。然後跟台北這個景美華藏圖書館,那很早了也是大概15年前吧,跟那邊的法師連絡,然後開始發心流通老和尚法寶。我是借錢來做法布施的,借錢去買房子貸款的,我買了房子欠銀行錢喔! 然後自己身邊還留一點,還好我們家有一個親戚很會管帳,他把我的錢剩下的錢拿去什麼,標會所以利息很高。這個我都不用擔心,每個月生活就沒有問題,整整投入了三年,全心全意的流通老和尚的法寶,所以當然那期間老和尚所比較經常流通的法寶, 我幾乎都看過。
Then, I thought that this was not the way to go, at that time, I did not have a teacher to consult about that realm, and I thus slowed down my pace. I then went to Taipei’s Jingmei Huanzang Library, very early on about fifteen years ago, making contact with the Masters in the library, making the vow to circulate the Dharma treasures of the Old Venerable Master. I borrowed money for the purpose of giving alms, borrowed money to buy a house on loan, I owed money from the bank to buy a house! Leaving some money for myself, luckily I had a relative who was good in financial management, he helped by taking my money, the rest of my money, to the bidding Roscas and the return rate was quite high. I did not need to worry about money, I had enough money for living on a monthly basis, for three whole years, I devoted myself to wholeheartedly distribute the Dharma treasures of the Old Venerable Master, hence, during that period the Dharma treasures of the Old Venerable Master that were more widely circulated, I had watched almost all of them.
所以我在流通的時候,我也是大量的流通,不只是在一個點,我們自己成立流通社,我還開著車到處去找很好的點,像家樂福大賣場。 我都曾經跟他們借過大的櫥窗,法寶一放那每天是進出是上千人,流通量很大,我記得最多的點,大概是八、九個,將近十個點。我每天就忙這些事情,進進出出的,一個星期還發心教兒童讀經,開一堂課也是很殊勝。
When I circulated the Dharma treasures, I circulated a large amount of them, not only at one single location, we had set up our own circulation center, I also drove to different places to look for ideal locations for circulation, for example, Carrefour supermarket. I used to borrow their large display windows for displaying the Dharma treasures, the human traffic flow were more than a thousand people every day, the circulated amount was very huge, I remember the largest number of circulation spots, about eight, nine and close to ten spots. I was busy with these tasks every day, going in and out, even committing to teach children sutra-reading weekly, conducting a class was an excellent experience too.
所以那種初發心的心情,真的是很強烈! 常常有時候作夢,夢到老和尚。我們對老和尚不是執著這個人,而是感恩他的接引! 讓我們能夠遇到這麼好的法,所以都作夢: 夢到…剛好有壞人要拿槍打他…因為這社會很亂…然後我就夢到我就跑向前,用我的身體去擋那個槍,擋那個子彈! 類似這種夢境常常出現…在初學的時候。所以初學,人家說初發心成佛有餘! 如果我們能夠把這種對三寶的那種心情保持住,那個不得了! 個個都能夠在當生成就。
Therefore, the initial determination to seek enlightenment was really strong! I often had dreams about the Old Venerable Master. We were not being overly attached to him as a particular personality, but being grateful for his guidance! For introducing such great Dharma to us, hence I dreamed about… some bad guy was trying to shoot him… because the world is in chaos… I dreamt that I ran forward, to use my body to block the gun, to block the bullet! Such situations often appeared in my dreams during the early stages of study. Hence as new learners, described by others, the initial determination to seek enlightenment is more than needed for becoming a Buddha! If we can maintain our feelings for the Triple Gems, it will be unbelievably powerful! Everyone can succeed in their current lifetimes.
(五) 不見師長過
同時我內心也發願,假如說有因緣,讓我有機會親近我們老和尚身邊學習,希望三寶加持,不要讓我看到師長的過失。 我希望我對師長的這份恭敬心,可以永遠的保持下去。當然,聽經兩三年,也知道老和尚的教誨,我們絕對不見師長的過失。 真正修行人,真正修道人也不見世間過,更何況對我們有恩的師長! 所以還好到現在15年了,我從來不敢看師長的過失。
At the same time, I made a vow that if I had the affinity to get close to and study with our Old Venerable Master, I wish to receive blessings from the Triple Gems, so as not to find mistakes in my teachers and elders. I wish that this respectfulness for our teachers and elders will forever be maintained and continued. Of course, by listening to Dharma lectures for two to three years, I had understood the teachings of our Old Venerable Master, we should never find any mistake in our teachers. A real practitioner, a real practitioner should see not the wrongs of any person in the world, let alone our teachers and elders for whom we owe a debt of gratitude! It has been fifteen years, I never dare to see the mistakes of my teachers and elders.
如果說真的有一些小毛病,以這個世間人的這個,凡夫的這個價值觀來看,當然不可能十全十美。那是我們自己心不清淨,但是在那個當下,可能是因為發過願的關係,即使老和尚有時候罵起人來,我還是覺得很好看。 所以我們可以先發願,初學的時候就要發這個願,對三寶絕對要保持恭敬心! 特別是對我們有恩的師長,乃至於我們身邊的每一個人。對我們都有恩,善知識、惡知識對我們都有恩。這個叫上報四重恩。
Even if there are some small mistakes, based on the worldly standards, the standards of ordinary people, no one can be perfect. That is because our own minds are not pure, at the moment maybe due to the vow I made, even if our Old Venerable Master were to give people a scolding, I still thought that it looked good. Therefore, we could first vow, when we are beginners, we should make this vow to maintain absolute respect to the Triple Gems! Especially to our teachers and elders for whom we owe a great debt of gratitude, even to everyone around us. Who are all our benefactors, good teachers and bad friends are all our benefactors. This is what is meant by repaying four kinds of kindness above.
這個四重恩是什麼恩? 國家恩、父母恩、師長恩、眾生恩。所有的順境逆境,通通都是在成就我們的。 所以假如我們把這些順境,把這些恩人當作是仇人來看,慘了! 不但忘恩負義,而且自己內心的煩惱越來越重。那我們修行就沒有辦法得到利益,所以真是非常的特別是感恩我們的師長,我們老和尚能夠有這個機會,讓我有這個因緣接觸到,最圓滿的淨土法門,我們淨土法門的境界真的是最高的。
What does repaying four kinds of kindness above mean? Kindness of country, parents, teachers and elders and all sentient beings. All favorable and adverse circumstances, all helping us to succeed. Hence if we regard such favorable circumstances, such benefactors as our enemies, that will be tragic! Not only would one be considered ungrateful, additionally one’s mental afflictions becomes heavier and heavier. Our cultivation will not obtain benefits, therefore, we should be especially thankful to our teachers and elders, our Old Venerable Master who gave us this great opportunity, enabling us this affinity to be exposed to the most perfect Pure Land method, the realm of our Pure Land School is indeed the highest.
(六) 五百禪宗弟子捨禪歸淨
過去有一位菩薩僧團的負責人,一位居士大德在台灣,他現在已經往生了。 他帶領了一個菩薩僧團,參禪的,在國際上也享有地位,在台灣的佛教界也受到相當的注目,跟隨他的一些學禪的弟子,也都相當優秀,而且非常忠心耿耿的,很敬愛他這位老師。他在往生之前,竟然開始慢慢的引導他的學生修學淨土。然後往生之前拜託他們,要求他們一定要遵從他的遺囑,遵從他的意思全部捨禪歸淨。所以在同一天當中,所有跟他參禪的弟子,有五百個人同時歸依淨土法門,在淨土法門修學。
In the past, a principal of a Bodhisattva Sangha group, a lay practitioner with very high level of attainment in Taiwan, has since passed on. He led a Bodhisattva Sangha group of Chan meditation, and established internationally, in the Taiwan Buddhist community also receiving relatively much attention, many of his disciples following him to learn Chan meditation were relatively excellent, and they were also very loyal, respectful and loving of their teacher. Before he passed on, he even started to slowly lead his disciples to practice the Pure Land method. Right before he passed on, he requested them, requested that they must follow his will, to follow his wish to completely abandon Chan and to come under Pure Land. Therefore, in the same day all his disciples of Chan practice, five hundred of them converted to Pure Land Teaching, started practicing the Pure Land method.
這當然完全是因為對老師的敬愛,因為通常參禪的人,是很看不起念佛法門的。 根性上也是大不相應的根基,所以他們完全是因為信任老師,老師對他們是一種托孤的心情,對自己的學生負責。他的老師深深的相信,在末法時期,只有淨土法門可以成就,而他得到這個體會這個結論,是透過他多年的參禪實修。
Of course, this was completely based on their love and respect for their teacher, because Chan practitioners normally look down very much upon the Buddha Recitation Method. It is not associated with their ability and nature, hence, it was completely because of the trust in their teacher, the teacher, towards them his frame of mind was like entrusting orphans to someone, being responsible for his own disciples. Their teacher deeply believed that, during the Dharma-ending period, only the Pure Land method can achieve success, and he came to this realization and conclusion through many years of his own meditative Chan practice.
Many people considered him as someone who attained supreme enlightenment, I did not know about this myself, since I do not know him, or even if I had known him, I would not be able to know, since I have not attained supreme enlightenment, but from his quotes truly I can actually hear his voice, his voice of change. This person was of great courage, a true Chan Buddhist, with the straight temperament of a true Chan practitioner. Not only did he send all of his students upon his last will to the Pure Land School, he also instructed the destruction of all his previous books on Chan practice. His action was so thorough, letting go of everything, just like "waving hands and not taking away single piece of cloud", this is truly the Chan style.
那麼我曾經在他的著作當中看到,這個著作也得來不易,這個是他的一些身邊的大弟子,偷偷珍藏起來的珍藏版。那麼我就看到他裡面有一個形容,這是他開悟以後的境界所說的。他歸納整個佛法,用很淺顯的,用年紀來定位它的境界深淺,他說: 《阿含經》是20歲,我們知道的小乘的經典,四部阿含。般若經也就是《金剛經》、《心經》,這一類講空性的般若經典,世尊就花了22年講般若系的經典,那這位大德他說: 《般若經》30歲。那麼【禪宗】40。奇怪! 禪怎麼才四十歲的這個水平! 四十歲的這個智慧。那麼【密宗】五十,【淨土】六十。這是一個真正明心見性,至少大家這麼認為,可是他的水平確實不低。他真正明白了實相的道理,至少他通達了教理之後,所說出來的話。
I ever read in a book which he authored, this book was not easy to come by, it was a rare version from some of his chief disciples, a limited edition which was kept secretly. In his book, I saw a description which he made after attaining self-realization. He made a generalization of the different schools of Buddhism, using very easy to understand, using years of age to determine the levels of realms, he said that Agama Sutra is twenty years old, we know that the Theravada Scripture is Four Agamas. The Prajna sutras which include the Diamond Sutra and Heart Sutra, this Prajna Scripture that discusses the nature of emptiness, the World Honorable One spent 22 years lecturing on the Prajna Scripture series, this great virtue said that: Prajna Sutras are 30 years old, and Chan Buddhism is 40 years old. Strange! How is Chan only at the level of 40 years old! The wisdom level of a 40-year-old and Esoteric Buddhism is 50 years old, Pure Land Buddhism is 60 years old. This comes from someone who has found Buddha-nature, at least this is what everyone thinks , though his level is indeed pretty high. He really understood the truth of reality, at least after he had obtained complete and thorough understanding of Buddhist teachings and principles, this was what he had said.
所以我們這個法門,真正能夠深信不疑的,真的是唯有上根利智或者是下愚之人。確實…要嘛就是你真正有辦法,非常的通達各宗各派的教理之後,你才看出那個端倪。 因為我們淨土法門是,唯佛與佛乃能知!
Therefore, for the Pure Land Dharma, those who can have absolute faith without the slimmest doubt, only those highly intelligent with superior roots or the lowest who are stupid. Indeed... only if you really have the capability to thoroughly understand the different Buddhist sects’, teachings and principles, you may have some clue about this Dharma, as our Pure Land Dharma can only be understood by Buddhas, and only Buddhas can!
(七) 禪宗悟後還須起修才能圓成佛道
那為什麼禪宗反而才四十歲呢? 一般我們就覺得參禪好有水準,高格調的,很有水準的人都喜歡參禪,知識份子…他們覺得念佛是老人家念的,很俗氣,都是一種迷信的信仰。這是一般的誤會,那為什麼說禪? 其實禪當然是很深,禪就是佛心! 佛心當然深,問題是它所講的這個佛心,是從理上講,明心見性嘛,見到佛心見到自性契入空性。這當然是很深,問題是,我們又知道禪宗是要…還要悟後起修, 所以他見性之後才要開始,再開始修行,這個見性只是成就他的根本智,進一步還要再花三大阿僧祇劫,慢慢修後得智,換句話說,它只能證得阿羅漢的果位。
So why is Chan Buddhism only at the level of 40 years old? We normally think that the practice of Chan meditation is of high cultivation standards, high class, and people with high standards all like to practice Chan meditation, such as the intellectuals…they think that Buddha name recitation is only for elderly people that it is of poor taste and a form of superstitious belief. This is a common misunderstanding, so why is Chan only 40 years old? Of course, Chan is actually very deep and profound, Chan is the Buddha's mind! The Buddha's mind is of course very deep, the issue is that the so-called Buddha's mind here, theoretically speaking, is referred to finding Buddha-nature, awakening to the Buddha's mind and self-nature, reaching the nature of emptiness through practicing of the teachings. This is of course very deep, the issue is that we know that Chan Buddhism requires...cultivation after awakening, hence after he awakens he begins, he then starts cultivation again, seeing the Buddha-nature is only achieving testimony to his fundamental wisdom, further cultivation requires spending three incalculable kalpas, to slowly cultivate the acquired wisdom, in another words he has only attained the level of an Arhat.
所以其實就這個境界,就整個佛法的境界來講,它只不過是真正入門入空門。 這個真的是真正入空門,從空門入了,入了佛的境界。但是它這個佛從天臺來判: 藏、通、別、圓,有四種不同程度的佛,這個是最低的最低境界的佛,那這個不是究竟的佛,究竟佛是圓教佛,我們阿彌陀佛就是圓教佛! 最高層次的。因為從明心見性開始,還要花三大阿僧祇劫,行菩薩道,修六度萬行,以三輪體空的這樣的一個境界,因為已經入了空性了,所以這個時候他修的點點滴滴,確實是真實的功德。但是你要圓滿,這個華嚴會上所講的: 十住、十行、十回向、十地、等覺…一直到成佛妙覺,三大阿僧祇劫跑不掉,甚至於是無量劫。
Therefore, with regard to this realm, speaking from the perspective of the entire Dharma realm, it is just at the entry level of the emptiness gate. This is really entering the emptiness gate, through entering the emptiness gate, to the realm of Buddha. This Buddha level as determined by the Tian Tai school: Zang, Tong, Alternative and Perfection, there are four different Buddha levels and degrees, this is the Buddha of the lowest level, this is not the ultimate Buddha, the ultimate Buddha is of the highest level, called the Buddha of complete teaching, our Amitabha Buddha is a Buddha of complete teaching! Of the highest level, starting from awakening the luminous mind and Buddha-nature, it still requires three incalculable kalpas, to practice the Bodhisattva way and cultivate myriad practices subsumed in the six perfections, by way of the Threefold Wheel of Emptiness, such a realm, because having entered the emptiness nature, therefore, each single deed in his cultivation has real virtue and merit. However if one wants to attain the realm of completion according to what was taught in Huayan meeting: to attain the levels of ten stages, ten necessary activities, ten transferences, ten grounds and perfect enlightenment until the stage of marvelous enlightenment, Buddhahood, it requires at least three incalculable kalpas or even infinite kalpas.
(八) 淨土宗念佛時當下就是在作佛
而我們淨土法門直接念佛的當下,我們的境界是在哪裡? 就在阿羅漢還要修無量劫之後的那個境界,很不可思議! 也就是圓教佛、圓滿佛的境界。為什麼? 淨土法門不是靠我們自己修學,是直接跟阿彌陀佛的果地相應,跟祂合而為一。 阿彌陀佛有多圓滿,我們當下就有多圓滿。 這一個是超乎常情的因果,非常的不可思議! 不用修你就成佛了! 真的要靠我們修,那我們無量劫也沒有辦法,我看下輩子可能都要…墮到三惡道去啦! 這個機會很大很大的! 更不要說悟後起修再修無量劫。
Whereas, our Pure Land Dharma at the present moment of Buddha-name recitation, where is our realm? It is the realm after an Arhat has cultivated for infinite kalpas, very unbelievable! It is the Buddha of complete teachings, the realm of the Buddha of complete teachings. why? Pure Land method does not require dependence on our own cultivation, it directly matches the attainment of Amitabha Buddha, uniting with Amitabha Buddha as one. As perfect and complete as Amitabha Buddha is. We are able to reach the same perfection as Amitabha Buddha at the present moment. This is an extraordinary case of cause and effect, very inconceivable! You can attain Buddhahood without even cultivation! If we were dependent on our own cultivation, we would have no way of attaining Buddhahood even in infinite kalpas, I think that it is even possible that in our next life…we might even descend into the three evil paths! The chance of descent is very very huge! Let alone mention cultivation after awakening and for infinite kalpas.
所以淨土法門它的境界,這位大德說它是六十歲最圓滿! 是因為它不是一般的因果,一般的因果先修因後得果,透過持戒修定得慧,一步一步來嘛! 這是靠自己的力量--先因後果。 但是我們淨土法門完完全全,不是我們世間人概念可以理解的,它是因果同時。所以我們淨土宗又叫做「蓮宗」,這是取蓮花它的特性來做比喻,蓮花當它花開的時候,在那個當下蓮子已經形成了。所以說因果同時,這個因果同時的境界是佛的法界,佛法界的因果形態是因果同時。所以我們當下念佛的時候,一念相應一念佛,念念相應念念佛啊! 如果我們懂得如何來念這句佛號,當我們下就是在作佛! 不用自己慢慢修,很不可思議! 很殊勝! 很殊勝!
Therefore, the realm of Pure Land School, this honorable person said that it is at its most perfect at the level of sixty years-of-age! Because it is not of the ordinary cause and effect, the ordinary cause and effect is to first cultivate the cause and later receive the fruition, through cultivating precepts and focus to attain wisdom, step by step, this depends on one's own power -- cause first and results after. But our Pure Land Dharma is completely different from the concepts of ordinary people that is understandable, it brings about cause and effect simultaneously, therefore, our Pure Land Dharma is also called the "Lotus School", it uses lotus as a metaphor, when lotus flowers bloom, lotus seeds are already formed at the same moment. Hence it is said to have cause and fruition at the same time. This realm of simultaneous cause and fruition is the realm of Buddha, in the realm of Buddhas, the state of cause and effect is simultaneous. Therefore, when we are focused on reciting the Amitabha Buddha's name,one thought corresponds with one thought of the Buddha’s mind. Every thought corresponds with every thought of the Buddha’s mind! If we understand how to be mindful of Amitabha Buddha's name, we can experience being Buddhas at the present moment! We do not need to slowly cultivate, it is inconceivable! Very extraordinary experience, very excellent experience!
(九) 密宗修法儀式繁瑣
那麼那位大德說密宗五十歲,密宗也是很高妙,也是因果同時。所以它有觀想本尊,我當下我就是佛! 我用這個佛的這個觀想,自己從佛果位開始修法,三密相應。但是為什麼把它定位在五十歲? 因為密宗不好修,密宗它是從很多方面,包括它的修法的這個儀式,供養具來觀察就知道,很多擺滿滿的; 還有一種說法是,密宗是富貴人修的法,你光是要配備齊全,就已經要花不少錢了。而且要供養上師,要像佛一樣來供養,你沒有福報你是沒有辦法修的,修不起這個法很貴! 福報不具足不夠是沒有辦法,你連基本上的這個修行的這個配備,你都買不起你怎麼修?
So the honorable practitioner said that the Esoteric school is fifty-years-old, Esoteric school is also highly wonderful, it also has simultaneous cause and fruition. Hence it visualizes the chief object of worship, I am the Buddha in the present moment! It uses the visualization of the Buddha, cultivating from the fruition level, the three mystical associations, but why it is positioned at the level of fifty-years-old? because it is difficult to practice the Esoteric method, the Esoteric school is from many aspects including the rituals of the practice, such as the practice apparatuses, we can understand through observation, there are many practice apparatuses needed; there is another saying, Esoteric method is the method for the rich, in order to prepare the full set of apparatuses, you have already had to spend lots of money, and you need to provide for your teacher, to provide for your teacher the same way as for the Buddha, you cannot practice this method if you do not have sufficient blessings, practicing this method may be not be possible as it is very costly! It cannot be practiced without sufficient blessed rewards, if even basically, the basic apparatuses needed for the practice, you cannot even afford, how are you able to practice it?
And the cultivation method is very complicated, very subtle and precise, you need to visualize, chant mantras and make hand forms, hence if you are not someone with a very favorable ability and nature, you will not be qualified to practice it, if you cannot sustain the practice, it is also easy to become possessed by demons. If you harbor evil intentions, because the esoteric method can, at the present moment, be directly connected to various magical powers, hence if you harbor evil intentions, upon mastering the magical powers, you may become bsessed.
所以我以前經營流通社,流通法寶,我們在買一個一二樓的舊房子,大門是敞開的,也常常碰到一些奇奇怪怪的人,還有女眾來… 幸好是女眾,她跟我說我是觀世音菩薩…她來我們那裡化緣,我是觀世音菩薩化身的人,我要跟妳化兩千塊台幣… 看起來那個對話她的口才,口齒伶俐…起碼是大學生的水平,長得又莊嚴,年紀又輕,講起話來頭頭是道,一點也不含糊… 可是她確確實實著魔,修過頭了…修得太認真…修得也很好…所以就好像跟真的,她真的把自己當佛了,當觀音菩薩了,這個修過頭了,她著在那個境界當中了。
So I used to manage a circulation office to circulate Dharma treasures, I bought an old two-story house with the main door opened to all, I used to encounter many strange people, there was once a woman... fortunately a female, she told me that she was Guanshiyin Bodhisattva..., she came to my place to ask for alms, “I am the embodiment of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, I am coming here to ask for two thousand Taiwan dollars” … from the conversation she seemed to be very articulate, very intelligent and good at speech… at the very least that of a university student, she looked dignified and young of age, proficient across many conversation topics, not vague at all… but she was actually possessed, she had over-practiced... practiced too seriously… it looked as if she had practiced well, as if everything is real, she truly considered herself to have become a Buddha, thought herself as Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, this is over-practice, she was obsessed with that particular state.
所以密法不是一般人能修,而且她也是一樣一樣的修,也是要修行花很長的時間,才能圓滿所有的修法。 所以你看密宗要灌頂,一下要灌這個頂一下要灌那個頂… 閉關三年,前面就要先四加行的功課,光是那個你就...,十萬拜的磕大頭,持咒多少遍… 你光是前面的四加行,你就通不過這一關了。而且他們的要求,特別是藏密的系統,通常是你要在顯教的…就像我們一般所接觸的教理,顯教的這個大乘經典,你必須要至少有二十年以上左右的薰修,而且真正教理通達之後,你才有資格進入上密院,正式修學密法。 上師給你灌頂傳法,傳法之後你就去閉關,開始修學你的上師給你傳的心法... 這哪有那麼簡單啊! 你光是聽我講這些你就連背都背不起來,更不要說要去修。
Therefore,Esoteric Dharma is not for everyone,and it requires step-by-step cultivation, which takes a very long time, before one can complete all the steps to attain perfection. Hence Esoteric Dharma’s so-called Abhiseka, this type of Abhiseka… that type of Abhiseka...three years of solitary retreat, there are also four prerequisite courses, just for the prerequisite courses... for example,one hundred thousand prostrations, many many rounds of chanting mantras… just these four prerequisites,you may not be able to pass the requirements. According to their requirements, especially the Esoteric system, usually it requires that you have learned in the Exoteric… like the Buddhism theories that we are studying, the major Mahayana sutras in the exoteric,you need at least twenty years and above of inner influence through cultivation, and after really understanding the Buddhist theories thoroughly, you can then qualify to enter the Esoteric school,to officially learn and practice Esoteric Dharmas. The teacher gives you dharma-transmission through empowerment, after dharma-transmission,you will proceed to the solitary retreat and start to practice what your teacher has taught you,the Dharma of mind transmitted to you... it is not that simple! Simply listening to what I am saying here you may not even be able to memorize it,let alone to practice it.
(十) 淨土宗穩當簡單方便成就快速殊勝
那為什麼淨土宗跟密宗,一樣是因果同時? 即身成佛。密宗講即身成佛,那我們剛剛講淨土宗,一念相應一念佛,你念佛的當下也是成佛! 也就是佛。同樣是最快速的直接成佛,因果同時。
Then why do both Pure Land and Esoteric involves simultaneous cause and effect? That is, attaining Buddhahood in the present body. Esoteric Buddhism teaches attaining Buddhahood in the present body, and as we were just talking about Pure Land Buddhism, one thought about the Buddha corresponds to the presence of Buddha himself, the moment of sincere Buddha recitation is the moment of attaining Buddhahood! That is, the moment of becoming a Buddha. Both are fast and direct methods to attain Buddhahood, through the simultaneous attainment of cause and fruition.
可是淨土宗它只要透過: 「南無阿彌陀佛」這一句名號,就可以解決所有的病症,大大小小…乃至於你往生成佛,通通都用這句佛號就可以了。那相對之下,對我們來講真的是太殊勝了!
But for Pure Land method it only requires through: one single name of "Namo Amituofo", all problems can be completely solved, small or big problems… even the rebirth to attain Buddhahood, all answers rest with the name of Amitabha Buddha. Compared with other methods, this one is really so extraordinary!
什麼人修學都可以受持,可以成就又不用擔心著魔; 你沒有錢也可以修,沒有福報可以修,而且成就快速穩當! 簡單! 又不妨礙你的這個生活、工作。 從它成就的殊勝穩當快速方便,種種(種)來講,沒有比淨土法門更超勝的!
Anyone can practice and uphold this method, they can achieve success without worries of becoming possessed; you can practice it without having money, you can practice it without having a blessing reward, it is a fast, safe and simple way to success! It does not interfere with your daily life and work. From its fast, safe and simple way to success, from various perspectives, all in all no other method can be superior to the Pure Land method!
而所有的超勝,阿彌陀佛太慈悲、太有智慧了,所有的功德就放在這句佛號就好了! 一句佛號就可以解決所有人的病症! 這個真的是非常有效率的作法,教的人也簡單,學的人受持的人也簡單。 而成就卻是最殊勝,高不高妙啊! 真的是沒有一個法門可以比的!
And all the extraordinary benefits and merits, Amitabha Buddha is so compassionate, so intelligent and wise, all the merits are kept in this name of Amitabha Buddha! One single name of Amitabha Buddha is enough, it can solve everyone’s illness! This is truly a very efficient method, easy to teach, easy to learn and practice. But the achievement is the most extraordinary, how marvelous and amazing this is! No other method is comparable to this one!
我們真正明白了,這樣來分析以後,你就不敢小看這句佛號。 再加上我們這幾天,我們還要更深入的來體會這句佛號所謂的萬德洪名,它的萬德到底是有哪些德? 我們怎麼樣去感受到這些萬德?
When we truly understand after making such analysis, you would not dare look lightly upon the name of Amitabha Buddha. In addition, in the coming days, we need to further study to gain even more in-depth understanding of Amitabha Buddha's name, so-called "the name with infinite merits" What merits are indeed included in the "infinite merits"? How do we realize these merits in ourselves?
當我們真正能感受到的時候,我們的內心啊,自自然然就能夠跟阿彌陀佛感應道交。自自然然就能夠在當下生起種種的法喜,可以消業障可以長智慧, 你自自然然會喜歡念這句佛號。這個是我們接下來要帶領大家,更深入的去體會的部份。
When we can truly realize them in ourselves, our minds will naturally be able to correspond with Amitabha Buddha. We will naturally be able to give rise to all kinds of Dharma joy at the present moment, can have karmic sins eliminated and wisdom increased, you will naturally come to like reciting the Buddha-name. This is the part which I will guide all of you, to let you further learn and realize by yourself
那麼在我初學這三年的期間,透過每天,聽老和尚講經說法的光碟,一方面我也真的是借錢來做供養佈施。同修的發心要助印法寶,我說你們直接匯到學會,我只是負責修我的因,很單純! 在那個期間有到附近,那是在彰化,台灣的彰化,彰化市,那個時候我每個禮拜,也會有一天到彰化淨宗學會,去共修。但是每次去共修,一個半小時完了就回來,也不多話。除此之外我可以說…還有偶爾一個月、兩個月,會特地到臺北去參加一個月一次的一日共修,到景美圖書館也是,去了以後除了共修之外,也不多話,結束就回去,那麼這樣的一個形態,大概維持了將近三年左右。
In the three years when I first studied Buddhism, through daily listening to Dharma lectures on the DVDs of our Old Venerable Master, on the other hand I borrowed money to provide and give alms. When fellow practitioners want to provide for the printing of Dharma treasures, I told them to send their money directly to the Amitabha Society, I am only responsible for cultivating for my own causes, it is really simple! I used to go to the nearby city, like Zhanghua, Zhanghua city in Taiwan, each week, I used to go to the Zhanghua Amitabha Society for one day to mass practice with other practitioners, but every time in each practice I was there for one hour and half, and returned after the practice, I did not talked much. Other than that, I went occasionally every one or two months, specially went to Taipei to participate in the once-a-month practice, it was the same situation at the Jingmei Library, other than practicing with other practitioners there, I did not talk too much and came back right after the practice, and this situation was maintained for about three years.
在那三年期間,我幾乎已經沒有任何的娛樂了。老和尚說: 你要學佛,你要不可以看電視,不可以聽廣播,不可以看報紙。我就連最喜歡看的西洋電影,我都不敢看。 電視也不要看,看那些新聞老是殺盜淫妄的,沒有好消息。確實那三年下來,心比較清淨,然後有一天,就在假日的時候,我的假日唯一的消遣,就是去逛淨宗學會,看看有沒有新的法寶。
During those three years, I had almost no entertainment. Our Old Venerable Master once told us, if you want to learn Buddhism, you should not watch the TV, listen to the radio or read the newspaper.” Even my most favorite western movies, I did not dare to watch them anymore. I did not want to watch the TV, to read news about killing, stealing, sexual misconduct and people's lies, there is no good news. Indeed, after those three years the mind became more pure and clean, and one day during a holiday, my only holiday entertainment was to visit the Amitabha Society looking for new Dharma treasures.
(十一) 剃度因緣
那一次剛好有因緣,我就到了台北華藏淨宗學會,那個時候…你看,聽經三年了…我還不知道誰是悟道法師, 這麼有名的法師大弟子, 應該是排行老二,算是老和尚的第二個剃度的弟子。當時是他當家,當家很多年我完全都不認識,那麼去到了淨宗學會,我就想看看有什麼法寶,可以再請回去流通,那麼在那個就第一次去…
Once there was an affinity, I went to Taipei Huazhang Amitabha Buddhist Society, at that time... you see, I had listened to Dharma lectures for three years… I still did not know who Master Wu Dao was, the well-known great disciple of Master Chin Kung, considered the second disciple, the venerable master’s second ordained disciple. He was then the head of Huazhang, he had been the head for many years, but I didn't know him, I went to Amitabha Buddhist Society, wanting to see what Dharma treasures were available which could be respectfully brought back for distribution, since it was the first time that I went…
裡面的義工菩薩很熱心,特地來想要攝受我,因為年輕,我那時候才二十多歲而已,難得有一個年輕人還這麼很真的,煞有其事的很專心在選,挑選法寶。所以他們對我都招呼得很殷勤,很希望可以加入他們說: 「師父難得在道場,師父很忙的經常出國。妳今天第一次來,就可以遇到師父在,表示妳福報大! 我給妳安排跟師父見個面,好不好?」 我說: 「不好!」我從來沒有那個任何的想法,也不認識這個人,也沒有其它的想法,就反正好好的老實。老和尚講:「你就在家好好的修行。」我們初學很多同修,大概是也跟我一樣,我說不好。
The Bodhisattvas who were volunteering were very warmhearted, they specially tried to take me in because I was young, I was only in my twenties, and it was rare to have a young person who was so enthusiastically focusing on selecting Dharma treasures. Therefore, they received me very attentively and hospitably, they hoped very much that I could join them and said, "It is rare that our Master is present on site, Master is very busy and he often goes abroad. Today is the first time you are here, and you are able to meet Master here, shows that you have a lot of blessings! I can arrange a meeting for you to see Master, Is that good for you?” I replied, "No, it is not!"
後來,經過大眾殷勤的招呼之下,我當然我隨順當時的因緣,悟道師父他就接待我。我們大概談了不到半個小時,那麼在談話當中…其實悟道法師他也不是普通人,老修行。 談幾分鐘就知道你大概程度到哪裡了,所以他也很歡喜,大概了解知道我的修學的過程之後,他就問我說…「三天後有一個剃度的儀式,妳要不要參加?」,「三天? 出家? 」
Later, because of their friendly and warmhearted introduction, I followed the affinity presented to me and Master Wu Dao received me. We talked for about half an hour, during the conversation… in truth Master Wu Dao is not an ordinary person, he is a long time practitioner. After a few minutes of conversation, he already knew approximately the level of the other party, he was also very happy, to roughly understand the process of my practice of Buddhism, and then he asked me, "There will be an ordainment ceremony three days later, would you like to take ordination?”, “Three days? To take ordination?"
我也是很…當時我也不曉得,從哪裡來的那種勇氣,我只猶豫了幾秒鐘,我就說:「如果能夠跟老和尚身邊學習。」因為我想反正都是同樣的學會,當時我什麼都不懂的,反正都是淨宗學會,那如果我在學會剃度,那不就可以跟老和尚身邊了嗎? 我當時是起這樣的念頭,而且我們也知道老和尚已經封刀了,不可能跟著他剃度。那為什麼會當下馬上就考慮這個事情? 因為在過去的兩三年當中,其實我已經把身心,等於說交給佛菩薩了。一接觸就是發願要求生淨土。那出家在家有什麼差別呢? 更何況如果有跟老和尚修學的因緣,那真的是太殊勝了! 所以我也只猶豫了幾秒鐘,我就提這樣的話… 我說:「如果可以跟老和尚身邊,那我願意。」而且我講了一句也是,好像蠻率性的話…我就說:「只要能跟老和尚學法,我任人宰割,要我做什麼都沒關係。」就類似這樣的一個心情,講出這樣的話,悟道師父聽了很歡喜,馬上剃,馬上決定,定下來了。三天後就真的剃了,頭髮不見了,我長頭髮到腰…那時候還很多人想要追求我,三天後就突然就沒有了… 我都還沒有回過神,這個因緣你想安排,不要說想安排,安排不來,你想,作夢都想不到會有這種情況。
I was very... I did not know at that moment, where I had such courage, I only hesitated for a few seconds, and then replied, " If I could study Buddhism with Old Venerable Master," because I thought that it was the same Amitabha Buddhist Society anyway, I did not know about anything at that time, it is the same Amitabha Buddhist Society anyway, if I am ordained in the Amitabha Buddhist Society, would I then be able to follow Old Venerable Master to study Buddhism? That was my thought at that moment and we know that Old Venerable Master had already stopped taking more disciples, it is not possible to be ordained by him. How could I have made the quick decision right on the spot? Because in the past two to three years, I have already devoted myself to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. I made a vow to seek rebirth in Pure Land immediately after I first heard about it, what is the difference between staying at home or not? Let alone if there is the affinity, to learn directly from Old Venerable Master that would be so wonderful! Therefore, I only hesitated for a few seconds, I said the following words, "If I can follow the Old Venerable Master and learn from him, I am willing to take ordination," and I also said something, rather spontaneously… I said, "As long as I can follow the Old Venerable Master to learn Buddhism, I can even give up my life, it does not matter what I’m asked to do," that was roughly how I felt and what I said, Master Wu Dao was very happy after hearing it, the decision to ordain was immediately decided and thus fixed. I was really ordained three days later, all my hair gone, my long hair which was up to my waist…many people wanted to court me at that time, three days later they were suddenly gone… I did not even had time to understand what was actually happening, this affinity cannot be planned, even you wanted to, it could also not be planned, you think about it, such a situation would not even happen in your dream.
那我們一起剃度,另外還有兩位師兄弟,一位已經親近他十多年,修了很多福。另外一位是新加坡的一個年輕女孩當時才二十五歲,那我排行老二…年齡來講,三個人就這樣剃了。才剃了三天而已,我就開始生煩惱了,慘了! 頭髮不見了又不能回家,怎麼辦? 因為在那之前我完全不了解僧團,真的很難適應…所以各位你們要出家要按步就班,修行嘛…生煩惱這是都難免的,這個都是很正常的,我的意思就是說…我的業障很重,第三天就開始生煩惱…。
Alongside to be ordained were two other disciples of the Master, one had been close to him for more than ten years, and had accumulated a lot of blessing. Another one came from Singapore, a young girl of 25 years-of-age, in terms of age, I was ranked the second, three of us were thus ordained together. Only three days after I was ordained, I started to worry, oh my Gosh! My hair was gone and I could not go home, what could I do? It was because prior to that I had no understanding of the monastic community, it was very hard for me to adapt...therefore, if you want to take ordination, you should follow the routine procedure, as to cultivation and practice... developing afflictions of the mind is unavoidable, this is very normal, what I mean is...my karmic hindrances were heavy, I started developing afflictions of mind on the third day…
(十二) 參加培訓班
好不容易經過了…大概將近半年的時間,我已經按耐不住了,我一直吵著要跟老和尚,跟著師公身邊學法。到最後…因緣還是不成熟,因為很多時候不是我們想像的,那麼順利。那反正我們很單純的一個心,我就是要跟老和尚學法,就這一個念頭---報恩! 因為初學的師父還是老和尚,所以我就堅持,那麼也就…當時就離開師父,為了去親近老和尚,就自己到新加坡去。 還好,得到我們老和尚的收留,而且老和尚一直對我都是非常的慈悲教導。當時我也沒想說,我想做些什麼,反正只要親近善知識學法,老實念佛,一心求往生,大概想法就是這樣子。
Finally, after almost six months, I could no longer remain patient, I kept clamoring to follow Old Venerable Master, to follow and learn dharma from the Grandmaster. After all, the affinity is still immature, as turns out most of the times, the process may not be as smooth as we imagine. With an innocent mind of wanting to pursue the learning of the dharma with the Old Venerable Master, single-mindedly to repay a debt of gratitude! because Old Venerable Master was my master when I was beginner, hence I persisted, and then… I left my Master to get close to Old Venerable Master, and I went to Singapore by myself. Fortunately, Old Venerable Master gave me shelter and Old Venerable Master always taught me with immense compassion. At that moment, I did not plan to say what I actually wanted to do, only with the motivation to get close to good teachers to study dharma, to honestly chant Amitabha Buddha’s name and vowing a rebirth in Pure Land, basically, that was more or less what my thoughts were.
那麼到 2001年的時候,我是在1999年剃度的,那麼在2001年的時候,那個時候我已經在新加坡了,住在居士林。那個時候第五屆培訓班,已經都招生完畢,我們一些裡面的常住師父,有個女眾,有一天突然跟我聊天。她說:「奇怪了? 妳是老和尚徒孫,妳為什麼沒有去參加培訓班?」突然冒出這一句,我就想: 「對! 我為什麼不去參加培訓班?」如果沒有她這個緣啊,我看她也是佛菩薩示現來幫我的,如果沒有這個緣,沒有這句問話,我怎麼會想到要去參加培訓班? 我們何德何能? 又是初學,才剛剃度不久,哪裡敢想?
Then in the year of 2001, I was ordained in the year of 1999, in the year of 2001, I was already in Singapore at that time, living at The Singapore Buddhist Lodge. At that time the Fifth Dharma Talents Training Program had already closed admission, among the residential Masters, was a women who suddenly chatted with me one day. She said, “Isn’t it strange? Since you are the third generation disciple of Old Venerable Master, why didn’t you participate in the training program?” With the query coming out of the blue, I thought, “Yes! Why not take up this training program?” If without the affinity of her reminder, I believe in assisting me, she is the manifestation of a Buddha or Bodhisattva, if without this cause, without her reminder, how would I have the courage to participate in the training program? With my limited virtue and ability? How would I as a beginner, and just having been ordained, dare to take up the training program?
我們培訓班的標準是很高的, 大多數都是由大陸那個四大名山,各大山頭方丈當家指派推薦來的。出家都是一二十年以上的…多半都是什麼…像九華山佛學院副院長,靈嚴山的教務主任,佛學院的老師等等的…我們哪有資格,可是真的是佛菩薩的安排。這個比丘尼師父這麼一問我…我就想: 「對! 我為什麼不去參加?」
As the requirement of the program is of very high standards, most students were from the four sacred mountains in mainland China, the abbot from the monastery in each sacred mountain had recommended and assigned them to come. All had monastic practice for more than one or two decades…such as…the Vice Dean of Mt. Jiuhua Monastery, Academic Chair of Mt. Lingyan Monastery, lecturers of monastic college etc., etc…I myself did not even have the qualifications, really it was the arrangement of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Upon being asked by the Bhiksuni master…I thought, “Right ! Why not participate?”
另外又有一個居士,老和尚身邊的居士,在身邊做這個整天跟進跟出的居士,對我也很好,她就特別跟我透露一個消息,她說我們培訓班有一個法師,因為簽證的關係沒有辦法來,大陸簽證不好辦,還有一個名額妳要不要去? 這個消息太珍貴了! 我就好,那我就跑去找師公了。
Besides, there was another lay Buddhist practitioner, the practitioner by the side of Old Venerable Master, serving by his side and followed him everywhere all day long, was also very kind to me, she specially disclosed to me that there was a Master in the training program, who was unable to enroll due to some issues with the Mainland visa, she asked if I wanted to take up the vacancy? What invaluable information! And so I approached the Grandmaster.
當時, 我就跪在老和尚面前,我說我要參加培訓班,他說: 「不是名額滿了嗎?」 我說:「有人跟我透露還有一個名額…」那反正…因為我們就是很單純的一個求法,老和尚大概慈悲啊! 沒有想太多,就直接就說…就成就我們,他說…他就點點頭,答應了,過程很順利。他說: 「但是妳還要尊重林長,你要去跟林長報告一下,請示一下。」 我就去,第二關就是李木源居士,那邊也順利通過。 第三關,差一點通不過,原來是故意嚇我的,就是我們直接管理的總務,我都叫他總務大人。
At that time I knelt down in front of the Old Venerable Master,I said that I wanted to take up the training program, he said, “Isn’t the enrollment already full?” I said, “Someone disclosed to me there is one vacancy left.” Anyway, as it was with the pure motivation of seeking the Dharma, it was probably that Old Venerable Master was compassionate! Without thinking much…he accepted me directly, he said…he nodded his head. In agreement the process was very smooth. He said, “But you have to respect the president of the lodge, you should report to the president of the lodge, to ask for instructions.” I then approached Practitioner Li Mu Yuan, which was the second hurdle and that was successful. However, for the third hurdle, I was almost rejected, turned out that it was done on purpose to frighten me, by our Official of General Affairs, I call him General Affairs Supervisor.
當然了,前面兩關都己經過了,怎麼可能他這裡不過? 可是我不曉得 我就是很緊張,萬一不過怎麼辦? 他問我:「妳為什麼要參加培訓班?」我說:「興趣。」他一聽,很不滿意「什麼興趣? 別的同學都說我死也要死在臺上! 我要一生弘法報佛恩。」講得很激烈這樣子,只有我講兩個字:「興趣」因為我們沒有什麼…完全沒有預想要有這個因緣的現前,也不敢想有這個能力,自己程度也很差…初學嘛! 傻傻的! 那我就照實講了,真的蠻有興趣很喜歡,看人家在講臺上講經說法。
Of course since I had already passed the first two hurdles, how could I be rejected here? Nevertheless I had no idea and was simply anxious, what if I failed this round? He asked, “Why do you want to join this training program?” I replied, “Because of interest.” Very unsatisfied with my answer, he retorted, “What interest? Other students said if I die, I would want to die on the stage! I vow to propagate Buddhist teachings throughout my life to repay the Buddha.” He was proclaiming with intense emotion, while I was the only one who replied with the word “interest”, as I had not, completely not predicted for this affinity to arise, I also dare not think of having this ability, also I had very little proficiency… well I was only a beginner! Kind of silly! So I told him honestly, I was really quite interested and I really like it, seeing others give dharma lectures on the stage.
我對老師最崇拜了, 因為我小學的時候,我們的級任老師叫蔡麗雪,我非常的敬愛她--一個女眾,所以從小對老師,就有特別的好感。所以假如能夠有機會,那當然了,這是我很喜歡做的一件事情,在社會上打工了幾年,其實都是不務正業,存一點錢就跑出國去玩…沒錢了再回來打工,因為社會上的工作,沒有一樣真正讓我…吸引我的。 直到出了家,這個行業真的是太殊勝了! 生生世世都想要當出家人,都不後悔! 這是人天師表,這樣的一個地位,這比世間的老師更尊貴! 有什麼比這個職業更殊勝的? 好,那反正當時,即使總務不太滿意我的回答,也還是得通過,就這樣子…順利的參加培訓。
I admire teachers the most, because during my primary school days, I remembered that my form teacher’s name was Ms. Tsai Li Xue, I respected and love her very much, a lady, hence since young, I have very good vibes of teachers. So when I have a chance, and of course, this is the one thing I like to do very much, having worked for several years , actually they weren’t proper jobs, after saving a little money I would travel abroad…going back to work again when I had spent all the money, because the worldly jobs , none could really… attract me. Until I was ordained, this is a truly excellent job! To become a nun even if it is for all lifetimes, I will never regret! To be a model for others and to have such a status, this is even more prestigious than worldly teachers! What other career could be better than this? Well, anyway at that moment, even though the Official of General Affairs was not satisfied with my answer, still, he let me through, and as such… I successfully managed to enroll into the training program.
(十三) 培訓班畢業了
沒有想到,就因為我自己覺得自己實在很笨,所以必須要勤能補拙,整天就是埋頭苦幹,生怕被淘汰很丟臉。要把師公的臉丟光了! 而且希望能夠盡量為眾生做一點事情,真的是想要報恩,所以也是很努力的學習。那時候我們第一天上台,真的是…今天輪到我覆講的時候,從早到晚一直到晚上,上臺之前,總共拉了七次…,拉到那個胃腸都發炎。我們一緊張腸胃就會一直蠕動,所以我們那個壓力真的是很大的。
Unexpectedly, because I felt that I am really not intelligent, so I had to be hardworking to make up for my shortfall, studying hard all day long, fearing that I would be eliminated and be an embarrassment and make my Grandmaster feel ashamed! And I hope with my best efforts that I could do something for all sentient beings, truly wanting to repay kindness, hence I studied hard. At that time when we gave a speech for the first day on stage, indeed…when it was my turn today, from the morning till night, just before going on stage, I had diarrhea and went to the toilet seven times…to the extent that I had gastrointestinal inflammation. Once nervous, our digestive system will experience peristalsis hence we underwent much pressure.
我還有一個同學出家二十多年---女眾,因為我們剛剛上課的時候,每個人要先上臺自我介紹五分鐘,那個師父很厲害,她看得修得已經大丈夫相。她一上臺自我介紹說:「我一生就是要弘法利生,報答師恩、 佛恩! 」結果輪到她覆講的那一天,她講完…很好,看起來很定,畢竟出家久了,結果一下臺以後,足足躺了三天! 那我們就去看她…她病倒了。這個身體騙不了人,這個壓力太大,整個垮了,下不了床。我們去看她,她就說:「我不行了,我要回家了。」她的意思不是要退心,而是她覺得自己沒有能力,很慚愧! 不行了。
I had one classmate who had been ordained for more than twenty years – a lady, as during the start of our lessons, each one of us had to present on the stage a self-introduction of five minutes, that nun was very professional, she has already shown signs of a great man through cultivation. Upon taking the stage, she introduced herself, saying, “I vow all my entire life to propagate the dharma to benefit sentient beings, to repay the kindness of my teacher and Buddha!” Finally on the day when it’s her turn to give the speech, she ended the speech… excellently, she seemed very stable, indeed, she has been living in the monastery for a long time, but alas immediately after stepping down the stage, and she was confined to the bed for three days! We visited her… she had fallen ill. One’s physical condition does not deceive, the pressure is too great, and she collapsed totally and was not able to get out of bed. During our visit she told us: “I can’t take it anymore, I have to go home.” She did not mean giving up the practice of dharma, what she meant was that she thought she was incapable, and such regret! Can’t endure it anymore.
這個太難了! 那個學習的壓力! 當然後來也是畢業了, 也是沒有問題,所以壓力是很大的!
This is too difficult! The pressure of studying! Of course, eventually she graduated as well, didn’t had any problem as well, hence the pressure was very huge!
但也不知道怎麼搞的,我們培訓畢業之後,我們有兩個打分數的標準:一個是老和尚親自給分,打分數,一個是同學當中給分,同學打分的分數我應該是在…第十七 、第十八名,我們有三十位同學,那這個完全沒有人情票。 因為我又沒有福報,又不跟人家送禮交際,然後也沒有時間跟人家來往修福,沒有! 也不會做人…該做的都沒做,只有整天關在寮房,不然就是圖書館查資料。 所以能夠拿到這個名次,正說明我們同學當中,很多都是公正不阿的人。該怎麼打分數就怎麼打分數,沒有人情的這個考量,當然可能少數也有。
But I also did not know what happened, after graduating from the training, we had two criteria of assessment: One one was done personally by the Old Venerable Master giving grades , the other one by the classmates, for the grades given by our classmates…I was ranked the seventeenth or eighteenth place , there were in total thirty students, there were totally no votes given on the grounds of sentimentality, because I did not have any blessing rewards, and I did not engage in cordial and reciprocal relations with others and I also did not have time to cultivate social relationships, none! I did nothing… which was expected of one, except being confined to my cabin to study or researching in the library. So being able to attain the rank shows that among my classmates, many of them were impartial and fair. Going according to the book, not swayed by sentimentality, of course, a few might had been swayed.
那麼老和尚給我的分數,看到接到這個分數名次我嚇一跳! 怎麼可能?竟然是第五名! 這個論修行資歷、論德行福報、聰明才智,我沒有一樣比得上我們同學的。 這確實…所以我想不通為什麼,老和尚給我這樣的分數。
But the grade given by the Old Venerable Master, upon receiving the results, I was shocked! How could it be? I was ranked fifth in class! In terms of practical experience, or the virtuous merits and intelligence, none of which I was on par with my classmates. Indeed… I could not understand why the Old Venerable Master gave me such a high score.
後來想一想, 唯一可能的是…因為我從初學就跟老和尚學。我們很多同學都是其他各派…派來的很優秀的人材,但是可能無量壽經就沒有我熟了,而且跟老和尚的緣份那種…向心力吧! 還有跟老和尚的緣,這個是宿世的,能夠成為他的徒孫,這樣的一個因緣我想都不敢想,這個絕對是宿世的因緣。更何況這一世能夠遇到淨土法門,完完全全是拜我們老和尚所賜,這個恩德太大,這個緣份太深!
Then I thought about it, the only reason would be… because I followed the Old Venerable Master from the early stage of my learning. Many of my classmates were from other schools and traditions…those who came were the most talented representatives, but with regard to the Infinite Life Sutra they may not be as familiar with it as I was, and probably the affinity with Old Vererable Master the kind of centrifugal force! And the fate with the Old Venerable Master, this was from previous lives, to become his grand-disciple, I could not even imagine having such affinity in this life, it must have been be the cause and condition from previous life. Moreover I am fortunate to encounter the Pure Land Dharma School, this was totally a blessing from the Grandmaster, such huge blessings! Such deep affinity!
所以畢業之後,老和尚就叫身邊的居士,叫我去見他。問我要不要到澳洲去當助教,澳洲淨宗學會,我當然求之不得…我說:「那一切都給老和尚安排。」結果,不久之後,這個因緣不成熟。我們是六月份畢業,那因緣不成熟,八月份我就離開了。那離開之後,畢業之後,就等於失業了! 慘了! 不知道要去哪裡?
So after graduation, the Old Venerable Master asked the practitioner by his side, to ask me to see him. He asked me if I wanted to be an assistant lecturer in Australia at the Pure Land Learning College in Australia, of course I cannot ask for more…then I said, “I will leave everything to the Old Venerable Master’s arrangement.” Eventually, not long after, the cause and condition did not mature. We graduated in June, however, the cause and condition was not mature and l left in August. After leaving the monastery and after graduating was equivalent to being jobless! Oh my! Where should I go?
(十四) 傳統叢林的苦行道風
然後真的是…一路都是有大菩薩在加持,我就輾轉…因為在培訓的期間剛好有一個因緣。我們老和尚常常讚嘆的香港大嶼山寶林禪寺的住持--上聖下一老法師,他是虛雲老和尚傳法的弟子,溈仰宗第九代的傳人。溈仰宗第九代只有傳給兩個人: 一個是美國的宣化上人,一個是香港聖一老法師。虛雲老和尚一個衣缽,慈禧太后送給他的紫色袈裟,他也送給聖一老法師,我都看過。那因為他的弟子也是馬來西亞籍的一個女眾,從香港特地到新加坡淨宗學會掛單一個月參學。
Truly... great Bodhisattvas had always been supporting me along the way, I was going round and round...because during my training in Singapore, I happened to have an affinity. With one who is often praised by our Old Venerable Master, the Abbot of Bao Lin Temple at Da Yu Mountain in Hong Kong--Old Venerable Master Sheng Yi, he was a descendent disciple of Venerable Master Xuyun, the ninth descendant of the Wei Yang School. There are two ninth descendants of Wei Yang School: One is Master Xuan Hua in America, the other one is Master Sheng Yi in Hong Kong. Master Xu Yun had a special robe and bowl, bestowed by the Empress Dowager Ci Xi of Qing dynasty a purple robe, he gave it to Master Sheng Yi, I also had the opportunity to see it, because his disciple was a Malaysian woman, she came specially to Singapore Amitabha Buddhist Society from Hong Kong to live and study for a month.
那個緣也是很偶然,那一天她到我們學會掛單,這個平常那個司機請假,剛好那天是代班的,然後接她。從機場接她到學會的時候,辦公室也下班了,怎麼辦? 那個司機代班又不懂,直接把她帶到我住的那個樓層,照理講掛單房不是在我們那一層,她既然來了我就幫忙了,就幫她安單在我們那一層寮房,那在一個月之間,我也對她有一些協助。所以她走的時候跟我說: 有因緣來香港找我。那麼八月份要回台灣,那想好吧,那經過香港去看看她好了。
That affinity also seemed accidental,one day she came to the Amitabha Buddhist Society to stay, the regular driver was on vacation, it was a substitute driver who went to pick her up. When they arrived at the Society from the airport, the office was closed, what to do? The substitute driver did not know about the rules and took her directly to the floor which I lived, normally guest rooms were not on the same floor as mine, since she was already there, I helped her to find a room on the same floor as mine, within that month, I had also helped her with other matters. Therefore before she left, she said to me, "Come visit me in Hong Kong when there is an affinity." When I went back to Taiwan in August, I thought to myself, I could visit her in Hong Kong on transit.
這是我從學佛以來…在道場學習所接觸的第二個道場。就是傳統的叢林,真的是苦行的叢林。苦到不能再苦了! 現在你到大陸去找都找不到,這種很難找到,因為現在大陸很多寺院,設備越來越好,沒有這種深山野嶺裡面的--苦行叢林。
From the time I began studying Buddhism… amongst the monasteries I had learnt in and was exposed to that was the second monastery. This is the traditional mountain monastery, a real monastery for ascetic practice. There is no tougher place! Nowadays you can no longer find one in mainland China, such monasteries are very difficult to find, because in many monasteries of mainland China, the physical facilities are getting better and better, there are few monasteries in the deep mountains ---monasteries for ascetic practice.
我記得她下山來接我, 下了公車之後還要再走,將近五十分鐘的腳程。那個山路很窄,我們在上山的途中,還遇到兩頭野牛,那是大嶼山的特產,很兇的,牠那個角都磨得那個山崖到處都可以看到那個痕跡。這兩頭野牛…一頭牠的頭在這邊,一頭頭在那一邊,那塞滿滿的,那個身長剛好把整個路塞滿了。 旁邊是懸崖,只有留一點點小路,慘了!! 擋在路中間怎麼辦? 不能過去! 下來接我的那個師父,她很厲害,她是馬來西亞籍的女眾,十幾歲就慕名到香港去求剃度。 這個人也是很有善根,結果我當時在猶豫: 慘了怎麼辦? 怎麼過去? 她二話不說牽著我的手,就從那個縫走過去,我在走的時候真的嚇得我半死! 趕快念佛! 這萬一這個頭…這兩頭牛,一動就把我們推下山崖去了,就在我們要安全走過的時候,那野牛正在動,嚇得我全身冒冷汗。
I remembered that she came down from the mountain to pick me up, after we got off the bus, we needed to walk for at least fifty minutes. Such a mountain road was very narrow, on the way to her place, we encountered two wild oxen, they were a specialty of Da Yu mountain, and very fierce ones, their horns were polished such that it can be seen anywhere on the mountain cliffs, the traces of polishing. These two wild oxen…one was on this side and the other one on another side, fully blocking the road, the length of their bodies blocked the entire road. The side of the road were cliffs, leaving only a very narrow path, oh my! What could be done? It was impassable! The bhiksuni who came to pick me up, she was very good, she was a Malaysian woman, who came during her teenage years to request a tonsure in Hong Kong. This person also had very good roots, I was hesitating and wondering: Gosh! What was to be done? How do we go over? Without a second word, she took my hand and went through the narrow gap, I was extremely scared when I passed through! I hurriedly recited Amitabha Buddha’s name! What if these oxen... these two oxen pushed us over the cliff once they moved, just as we almost safely bypassed, the oxen started to move, I was so scared that I broke cold sweat all over .
然後一路上那個深山野嶺的,到處可以看到那些種種的眾生。那當時她已經有資格住茅蓬,她已經出家二十多年,很年輕十幾歲就出家,大嶼山寶林禪寺附近有很多小茅蓬。因為她的修行到一個程度,那個師父聖一師父,就允許她住茅蓬。 我就在那邊跟她住了幾天,在住幾天的當中她就一直想要留我下來。 她說:「我帶妳去見師父。」我說: 「不要,還是不要,我說不行!」 我已經發願要…這一生要專修淨土,要專弘《無量壽經》,我現在培訓班也畢業,我怎麼可以…。
Later, on the road in the deep mountain and forest, I could see all kinds of sentient beings everywhere. The bhiksuni was then already qualified to live alone in a small thatched hut, she had taken ordination for more than twenty years, she became a nun when she was ten-odd-years-old, in the vicinity of Bao Lin Monastery in Da Yu Mountain, there were many small thatched huts, because she had reached certain level in her practice, Master Sheng Yi, her teacher, gave her permission to live in a thatched hut. I lived with her for a few days, during those days she kept wanting to make me stay, she said, “I will bring you to see my Master." I said, "No… I do not want to!” I said, “No… I had made a vow… to practice Pure Land Buddhism throughout my life, and only propagate the Infinite Life Sutra, I had just graduated from the training class, how could I ...”
因為我知道她的心意, 我知道她想要度我留下來。這是禪宗的道場,我才不肯! 而且萬一妳帶我去見老和尚,這個聖一老法師,我面對老人我是一點辦法都沒有,萬一他跟我說,妳怎樣怎樣叫我怎麼做…那我怎麼辦? 我又不能說馬上拒絕還是怎麼處理,我不曉得怎麼回答、回應,乾脆不要去見算了。我心裡是這麼想,可是妳知道嗎? 到了人家的地盤,妳也是身不由己! 不跟她去等一下…下不了山。
I understood what she was thinking, I knew that she wanted me to stay for the purpose of saving me. This is a monastery for the Chan School, I would not agree to stay! And in case she brought me to see Venerable Master Sheng Yi, Venerable Master Sheng Yi, when I am facing elderly people I had no idea what to do, in case he said to me that I should do this or that… What should I do? I could not reject him immediately, how should I handle the situation? I would not know what to say or how to respond, so it was better not to go. I thought to myself, however, do you know? When you are in the domain of other people, you can’t do as you please! If I did not follow her, later... I may not be able to go down the mountains.
(十五) 受二部僧具足戒因緣
所以住了幾天之後就去見老和尚,見聖一老法師…我才一跪下去, 我第一句話就跟老和尚講,跟聖一師父講,我說:「師父我今天只是來跟您頂禮! 我已經發願要專修淨土,專弘《無量壽經》。」 先講,不然等一下萬一他開口,我又不能拒絕,老和尚很慈悲…師父很慈悲。禪宗的人乾淨俐落,當下就是要破我的執著。他馬上就講: 「《無量壽經》就是《地藏經》就是《華嚴經》。」就講那麼一句話,我就沒有回應,因為我知道他在度化我,他在破我的執著。我可以明白,所以我也不講話,我心裡面知道,然後這是第一次的會面。
After living with her for a few days we went to see the Venerable Master, to see Venerable Master Sheng Yi… right when I knelt down, the first word I said to the Venerable Master, I said to Venerable Master Sheng Yi: Master, I came here today only to pay homage to you! I have made a vow to specialize in my practice of the Pure Land School, specializing in the propagation of Infinite Life Sutra". I had spoken first, otherwise if he asked me first, I would not be able to refuse him, the Venerable Master was very compassionate... the master was very compassionate. The Chan Buddhism style is clean and clear-cut, (he) wanted to destroy my personal attachment at that very moment. He immediately said:"Infinite Life Sutra is just like Ksitigarbha Sutra, and just like Flower Adornment Sutra". With that sentence, I did not respond, as I knew that he was trying to teach me, he was destroying my attachment. I could understand that, so I did not say a word, I understood it in my heart, this was our first meeting.
後又有因緣,就在那裡受戒,老和尚聖一師父成就我受戒, 我申請受戒的這個申請表格,還是他老人家親自給我寫的。他的手會抖, 因為他常年苦行, 他那個好像是帕金森症十多年了,可是他的腦筋非常的清楚,真正是個大修行人! 我記得受戒的時候,這個也都是整個過程都是…我剛講那個比丘尼很熱心促成的。我完全都是半推半就,沒有任何的預想,真的可以說一切都是佛菩薩的安排。
Later, I had the affinity to take ordination there, Venerable Master Sheng Yi helped me to successfully take the ordination, and my application form for receiving precepts was actually written by the Venerable Master. His hands were trembling due to long years of ascetic practice, it was probable that he had Parkinson's disease for more than ten years, but he had a very clear mind, he is really a great Buddhist practitioner! I remembered the process of taking ordination, the whole process was... the bhiksuni I just mentioned warmheartedly facilitated by her. I followed her half willingly and half unwillingly, I did not anticipate any of this, it should be said that all these were arranged by Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.
那麼去到那邊親近道場,一直到受戒還有三、四個月,師父交代我先上山去修福,然後交代一句話:「好事多磨,凡事低調!」那我心想…我就參不透,這句話到底什麼意思? 凡事低調?好!那我培訓的過程我都不要講,我不要講我已經是學習經教的法師,然後可以在外面講經弘法,也不要說我專修淨土,反正通通不講。
When I arrived there and got close to the monastery to the date of the ordination ceremony there were still three to four months, the master told me to first accumulate more good deeds on the mountain monastery, he said a sentence before I left: "Good things often only come after overcoming hurdles, maintain a low profile in everything!" I thought to myself ... I did not quite understand what does this sentence truly mean? Maintain a low profile in everything? Sure! I would not mention that I am already a Dharma Master who has learnt about the Scriptures, and that I was able to lecture on the scriptures and propagate the Dharma, I would not talk about my specializing in Pure Land School, in any case I would not say anything.
不講妳就是來路不明了,裡面很多老修行就要修理我,但是因為那裡戒律非常嚴格,而且他們的一種這個同參之間的一種互動,真的是為了法,依據戒律的標準來互相成就,所以我們都沒有話講。反正他們也是這樣走過來的,所以在那個過程當中,真的讓我成長了很多,不但是身體的勞苦,我從小到大沒吃過苦,一看就知道, 手無縛雞之力這一型的,但是那個過程當中真的是,身心方面讓我得到大幅度的提升。第一次嚐到修行人的味道,就是在那裡, 過去的修學都很順利。我們淨土法門是安樂法門,遇到老和尚這個因緣,又都是很大的福報,所以從來都沒有吃過苦。這是佛菩薩給我,最好的安排。
This means one would be perceived to have a dubious background, many senior practitioners wanted to teach me a lesson, but as there were very stringent precept rules, moreover the sort of interaction among peer practitioners was really for the purpose of upholding the Dharma to help each other succeed through attaining the standards of the Buddhist precepts, therefore, we had no complaints. Anyway, everyone had taken the same route, hence in that process, I had really learned and matured a lot, not only the tiredness of physical body, I grew up without experience of any hardship, one will know from the first look, I am the type without enough strength to catch even a chicken, but in that process, I had really in terms of body and mind achieved great improvements. It was the first taste of what was meant to be a real practitioner. I had that first experience right there, prior that, the experience of Buddhist practice went very smoothly for me. The Pure Land Dharma method is a blissful method, I had the opportunity to meet the Old Venerable Master, that was again a great blessing, so, I had never experienced real hardship before. Therefore, this was Buddhas’ and Bodhisattvas’ best arrangement for me.
我記得我剛從新加坡搭飛機到香港, 然後在他們常住掛單, 準備三四個月之後受戒。當時還不曉得…反正就是先掛單, 然後, 一去剛好遇到觀音誕的前兩天, 他們連那個素料那個煮羹, 他們有一種菜叫羹都要先從粉開始磨磨磨…自己製作成羹。有一種素料大概是天然的粉, 自己去做的, 不是像一般買現成, 因為叢林裡面人多, 什麼都自己做。
I remembered when I first took a plane from Singapore to Hong Kong, I lived as a guest in their monastery, preparing for the ordination ceremony taking place 3 to 4 months later. I did not know at that time… anyway I was simply staying there as a guest first, later it happened that I arrived two days before the birthday of Guanyin Bodhisattva, even the vegetarian ingredients for making the thick soup, they have a type of dish called thick soup, made from the vegetable powder by grinding the vegetable themselves… and then make it into thick soup. There was a kind of vegetarian ingredient which was somewhat in the form of natural powder, all hand-made, unlike ordinary people who usually buy ready-made products off the shelf, since there were many people in the monastery, everything was made by themselves.
那我剛好去的時候剛好是觀音誕前兩天, 特別忙, 從早三點半打板四點早課, 一直忙到中午也沒休息, 一直忙到晚上十點安板。 連續兩天, 我就喊救命啊! 救命是跟佛菩薩講, 不是跟別人喊救命! 我躺在床上的時候, 真的第一次讓我體會到, 什麼叫做動彈不得, 無法動! 那個時候想要起來上淨房, 都爬不起來, 急得要命可是還是爬不起來, 那個時候的滋味真的是, 既法喜又好笑, 很想笑, 那種心情很難形容,想笑也沒力氣笑! 覺得真的是動彈不得, 我終於體會到了! 我連續兩天…體力不行兩天就吃不消了。
And when I happened to be there, it happened to be two days before the birthday of Guanyin Bodhisattva, it was extremely busy, the morning bell rang at 3:30 AM and we started morning class at 4 AM, we would work until noon without any break, and be busy until 10 PM when the night bell rang. After working for two consecutive days, I started to cry for help! To cry for help from Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, not from other people! When I lay on the bed, I experienced for the first time, what it meant by "unable to move", I couldn’t move! I wanted to go to the restroom but could not get up, I was so urgent, but I just could not get up, that kind of experience was with much Dharma joy but also very hilarious, making me want to laugh, it is hard to describe that type of feeling, you did not even have enough strength to laugh! The feeling of not being able to move an inch, I finally experienced it! For two consecutive days… I took a strain physically and could not continue after two days.
但是總算是熬過去了,到後來2受完戒之後我就自由了成大人了! 我連續受完戒之後, 三年當中我都還回去, 自己發心回去自討苦吃, 回去結夏安居, 學戒律, 最重要是親近師父。 所以頭一兩年也是照規矩, 也是被磨得很辛苦。小眾戒律很嚴格, 你多少輩份你就得做什麼樣的事情。
However in the end, I still endured it successfully, afterwards I became free after taking the ordination, I had matured! After taking ordination, I returned within three consecutive years, I made up my mind to experience more hardship, I went there for my summer retreat and study of precepts, more importantly, to have an opportunity to get close to the master. Therefore, I followed the routine rules there for the first two years, I was training and working very hard. The precepts for nuns of the lower hierarchy were very strict, depending on your seniority in the monastic community you would have to perform expected tasks accordingly.
第三年終於福報現前,我每天可以親近(老)師父,身邊兩個小時。這個是在叢林裡面是不可能的,因為男女眾戒律是非常嚴格的, 所以在那一個…三個, 第三年的結夏安居三個月當中, 每天有兩個小時親近他身邊,那對我的影響太大太大了。 所以聖一老法師對我也是再生父母一樣,如果沒有他,可能今天我不會現這個相坐在這裡。因為過去我們的觀念都認為,反正念佛求往生也不一定要出家,而且當時以我的福報,我真的也不知道怎麼樣, 這條路繼續走下去…因為除了學會之外,我沒去過其它的道場,真的是不容易的! 所以每個階段,就是有大菩薩在護持我們,那我完全是隨順因緣, 順利畢了業,然後也順利受了戒。
I finally received good fortune in the third year, I could get close to the old master every day for two hours each day. This was practically impossible in mountain monasteries, because there were very strict precept rules between monks and nuns, therefore, in the three, the three months of summer retreat in the third year, I had the chance to get close to the master for two hours each day, it made a very, very big impact on me. Venerable Master Sheng Yi was like my reborn parents, without him perhaps I would not have become who I am today or sitting here, because we used to think anyway to achieve rebirth I would just need to recite Amitabha Buddha’s name, I do not necessarily need to renounce the worldly life, and because I had such a good fortune, I did not really know what to do, how I should continue my path… as I had never been to other places than the Amitabha Buddhist Society, I had not been to other places of enlightenment, it was really not easy! Therefore, at every stage of practice, there are great bodhisattvas guarding us, I just completely followed the affinities presented to me, graduating smoothly from my studies and also taking ordination smoothly.
(十六) 壯觀三壇大戒場面
而且我受戒多幸運,我們那一年師父剃了27個人,我們一起去受戒。 聖一師父是得戒和尚,整個三壇大戒他最大,那我們這27個人當中,當然就會特別受到禮遇,得戒和尚的弟子,可是我比他們更幸運,可能也是…還有加上我們淨空老和尚的福報吧。我被選上做阿闍梨和尚尼的侍者,我拿的是這個臥具,所以那個整個受戒的場面,對我的加持太大太大了! 跟著阿闍梨和尚尼的後面,我們是二部僧戒,男女眾是分開的,事先是分開的。
I was very lucky when taking ordination, there were twenty-seven people tonsured by the Master that year, we all took ordination together. Venerable Master Sheng Yi was the precept transmitter, he was of the highest rank at the entire threefold ordination ceremony, then the twenty-seven of us certainly received special courteous treatment, as disciples of the precept transmitting master, but I was even more fortunate than the rest, it was also probably ... due to additional blessings from our Old Venerable Master Chin Kung. I was elected to be the attendant of the Female Preceptor, I was holding the bedding equipment, and the grand scene of the ordination ceremony had blessed me very very much! I followed behind the Female Preceptor, it was the ordination of two divisions, male and female practitioners were separated, and they were separated in advance.
那麼女...當這個阿闍梨和尚尼要走出去的時候,全場的戒子是要長跪、趴住、虎伏的姿態。就像古代要見皇帝,皇帝要走到你面前,你不可以抬頭見他的,你整個頭是要往下磕在地上,就像老虎一樣,所以叫虎伏,這個姿勢叫虎伏。那我是站在阿闍梨和尚尼後面當侍者,這樣子等於是巡邏一樣…每個戒子,經過每個戒子的面前,那種場面真的…我從頭哭到尾,很壯觀! 讓我感覺到,我們世尊真的是太偉大了! 釋迦牟尼佛真的太偉大了! 當時我很深刻的體會到,什麼叫「世尊」! 真的是堪受世人的恭敬景仰,那種場面因為我們是代表佛弟子,那又跟著這個阿闍梨和尚尼,這樣子在這種這麼多戒子的面前…這種場面…我們是代表著這個三寶,代表著尊貴的佛法僧,當時真的是非常的感動。
When the Female Preceptor was about to walk out, all the preceptors had to kneel for a long time prostrating, in the pose of a crouching tiger. It was similar to people meeting an emperor in ancient times, when the emperor came to you, you were not allowed to raise your head to look at him, you had to bow with your face to the ground like a tiger, a so-called crouching tiger position, and this position is called the crouching tiger position. I stood behind the Female Preceptor as her attendant, it was like going on a patrol.... every preceptor, passing by in front of them, the scene was truly... I cried from the beginning to the end, the scene was so grand and solemn! Which made me feel that our World-Honored Buddha is truly great! Shakyamuni Buddha is truly great! At that moment, I profoundly experienced what is meant by "The World-Honored!" He truly deserves from the people of the world the highest respect and honor, that scene as we represented the disciples of the Buddha, and I was following the Female Preceptor, in this way in front of so many preceptors… in this way… this scene we represented the Triple Gems, represented the honorable Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, I was really touched at that moment.
對於三寶的真正的深刻的恭敬心,是在當時真正生起! 以前什麼都不懂,只想我要念佛求生極樂世界,所以當時的加持是非常大的,這也是一個很難得很殊勝的因緣。否則以我的發心我是不可能,去親近第二個道場的。剛好我們老和尚要我去澳洲的因緣沒有成熟。所以接下來才有這個到叢林去修苦行的這樣的一個體驗。其實本來第一年受完戒就可以走,因為聖一師父知道我是…一見面就說我要專修淨土,專弘淨土法門…他不會強迫人的,完全是無條件慈悲成就我們而已。
As to the Triple Gems the true profundity of the respectful mind, truly arose at that moment! I did not know much before, I only thought that I wanted to recite Amitabha Buddha’s name and seek rebirth in the World of Ultimate Bliss, hence, the blessing on me was really huge at that moment, it was also a very rare and special affinity. Otherwise, based on my aspiration it was not possible for me to get close to a second monastery. So happened that the affinity of going to Australia as a result of our Old Venerable Master’s asking, had not matured. Hence, I had the chance to go to this traditional monastery to experience ascetic practice. In fact I could have left after taking ordination in the first year, since Master Sheng Yi knew that I only wanted to practice the Pure Land method during our first meeting, to specialize in propagating the Pure Land School… he would not force anyone, but completely, unconditionally and compassionately helped us to succeed.
所以我去…剛剛去的時候我記得,因為受完戒要去謝師,要去禮謝師父。然後他就交代我:「楞嚴咒要背,戒要學好,就這兩件事。」因為楞嚴咒在傳統的叢林,這個早晚課都是固定的,你如果沒有學會這一套,以後你到別的地方,沒有辦法跟大家一起共修早晚課,這是最基本的。叢林有一句話叫這個叫: 還人家(信施)飯錢,所以早晚五堂功課,這個都基本的要做。
So when I went... I remembered when I just arrived there... because we needed to thank our teacher after our ordination ceremony, formally express our gratitude to the Master. He instructed me, “You need to recite Shurangama Mantra and learn the precepts well, just these two things for you.” Because in traditional monasteries the Shurangama Mantra is a part of the fixed morning and night class, if you do not master it, when you go to other places you cannot practice the morning and late class with other people, this is a basic requirement. There is a saying among the monasteries: It is to pay back the expenses for food, therefore practicing the morning and night class is the basic requirement that needs to be fulfilled.
那我想楞嚴咒那麼長,我才不要背,反正我要念佛就好了,而且我又不參禪,我以後也不要住這裡,那我幹嘛要背? 我就沒講話… 又過了半個月再去見師父,師父第一句話就說: 「楞嚴咒背好了沒有?」 把我嚇得雞皮疙瘩都掉滿地,不敢作怪! 因為在大修行人面前,他那個攝受力是很強的,尤其他禪定的功夫很深,那我們當初想,師父看起來好像因為帕金斯症嘛,看起來已經生病很久了,坐輪椅十多年,而且老人家年紀又那麼大,然後弟子又那麼多,他大概講一講就忘記了。沒想到一見面馬上就問我,嚇得我趕快乖乖的背。
I thought that Shurangama Mantra was so long, I did not want to recite it, I just wanted to recite Amitabha Buddha’s name anyway, plus I am not practicing the Chan method, I would also not live there in the future, why do I need to recite it? so did not speak a word…I went to see the Master half a month later, the first thing he asked was: "Have you memorized the Shurangama mantra?" I was extremely frightened and did not dare to be funny! Because when you were in front of a great Buddhist practitioner, he had very strength of compassion, especially he had very deep power of meditative concentration, I initially thought that the Master looked like because of Parkinson's disease, he looked like he had been ill for a long time sitting in a wheelchair for more than ten years. In addition, he was so old in age having so many disciples, he would probably have forgotten what he had said to me. I did not expect that he would ask me immediately upon seeing me, I was so scared that I went back to recite the mantra honestly.
Therefore, this affinity was ever since I renounced the worldly life, among all the affinities of my monastic life, this was the most important one. Without Master Sheng Yi such a great Bodhisattva like him, in my eyes he is like Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva, without his help there would be no person like today's me, that is why I would like to specially talk about this experience.
Of course, there is another teacher whom I cannot forget, who then had the affinity at Hua Zhang to make me become who I am, Master Wu Dao, who tonsured me and led me into monastic life. If without this affinity for tonsure although the fate did not last very long…despite that, it was the initiating opportunity, that was very hard to come by. This affinity is very subtle, which was not something we ordinary people with mortal eyes could easily comprehend or see through.
Hence over here I would also like to express my special gratitude to him, even though truly speaking, the affinity was relatively shallow as in Hua Zhang, we all now know that Master Wu Dao specializes in leading the Thrice Yearning Ceremony, which I know nothing about, probably because affinity has drawn us to be interested in different aspects of Buddhist Dharma, it is hence natural that our affinity did not last very long, as for the kindness and help provided by the Master, I feel gratitude very much all the same in my heart!!
(十七) 有疑惑要斷疑生信
好,那這個...自我介紹簡單講到這裡,好像不簡單講了很久。那現在還有留一點時間,給大家做提問,那明天我們會留多一點時間,而且明天我們就會正式啟講這個我們這一次所要學的主題: 【無量壽經四十八願要義】,那現在同修有沒有問題要提問的?都這麼客氣,是你們都畢業了是嗎?
Alright, the self-introduction will end here simply, well it does not seem simple having been talking for a while. I am leaving some time now for everyone to pose questions, I will leave more time tomorrow for questions, and in addition tomorrow we will officially start talking about the main topic of this study: "The Essentials of the Forty-eight Vows from the Infinite Life Sutra", are there any practitioners with questions? You are all very polite, or have all of you graduated?
還是說,記得老和尚說過:有問題的人都不老實? 所以我不敢問,老和尚講法,法無定法,一下說東一下說西,你不要聽錯了。老和尚講法是非常的有深義的,因時因地,各有說法不同,要契理要契機。他說不老實是因為這些來問的人,一天到晚只想問,問了又不做,當然說你不老實啊! 那有些人有時候他又說: 你有疑惑是修行的障礙,我們修學淨土特別是注重在信: 信願行! 所以這個有疑惑就要斷疑,你才能生信。
Or remembering what the Old Venerable Master once said: "People with questions are not honest?" Therefore you are afraid to ask, when the Old Venerable Master delivers Dharma lectures, there is no set of fixed rules, he would talk about one thing in one situation and may say something different in another situation, do not get the wrong message. Dharma lectures taught by the Old Venerable Master are very deep and profound, they can vary depending on contextual differences in time and location, they are appropriate in theoretical terms, as well as adapted to the needs of the audience. When he talked about not being honest, it is because the people who had the questions, always wanted only to ask lots of questions without following up with any action afterwards, of course, this is not being honest! On some other occasions, he would say: if you have doubt, it is because of obstacles to your practice, we practitioners of the Pure Land School put special emphasis on faith: faith, vow and practice! Therefore, if you have doubt, you need to eradicate it only then can you give rise to faith.
So do not just listen to one word, and be fixated on its meaning. In the future you will become afraid to ask any questions, afraid to be criticized by other people, hence this is a rare opportunity, if you are shy to ask questions, you may write it on a piece of paper it is better to grasp this affinity, grasp any chance to improve yourself, to destroy self-attachment.
Immediately someone is responding,alright,give him the microphone…
眾: 為什麼我老是發惡夢?
Public: Why do I always have bad dreams?
師: 妳老是發惡夢,多久了?
Master: You always have bad dreams, for how long?
眾: 小時候是沒有,小時候是夢了.....最後現在好像每次夢見那個...白事…
Public: I did not have them when I was young,when I was young I dreamt of… recently I seem to always dream of those... “white matters”…
師: 白事是什麼?...喪事喔,最近嗎?..還是說長年不斷?
Master: What are ‘white matters ?’... matters relating to the dead? Recently?.. Or over the years?
眾: 蠻多的,蠻多的喔! 每次夢見那種好像很恐怖,嚇得我醒來! 等一下再睡下去的時候又再夢…還有連續劇喔…醒來以後再睡又是那樣,有時候像連續劇這樣子。
Public: Quite many times, many many times! The dreams were harrowing every time, I was so frightened that I woke up! When I continued to sleep again the dream would continue…. Oh, it’s even a drama serial! After waking up and sleeping again, it continued sometimes similar to a drama series.
師: 下次要夢那個喜劇比較好! 夢這個不好,夢到佛比較好。
Master: It will be best if you dream of comedies the next time! Dreaming of these (bad) things is not good, it is better to dream of Buddhas.
眾: 小時候夢佛,然後下來這幾年就變成...
Public: I used to dream of Buddhas when I was young, in recent years it changed….
師: 小時候夢佛啊! 那很難得,因為妳的相貌看起來也是,挺有福報的,所以這個應該有特殊的因緣,好,妳先請坐。
Master: Dreaming of Buddhas when young! That’s very hard to come by, because your appearance looks like you have many blessings, hence there should be special causes and conditions. Alright, you may sit down.
其實如果說我們夢到一些比較不好的境界,那肯定這是屬於業障這一類的,那我們一定要想辦法去解決,這絕對不是好事,肯定是有事情需要妳解決。那有幾種情況: 一個是跟妳有緣的人需要妳幫他,希望妳幫他超度。這個是一種,那假如是另外一種情況就是,妳的冤親債主,他來找麻煩,來讓妳不得安寧,這個也有可能。
In fact, if we dream of some less favorable situations, this definitely can be classified as a type of karmic barrier, we must find a solution to solve it, certainly this is not a good thing, and there is definitely some problem that needs to be solved. There exist a few situations: One situation is that someone having affinity with you needs your help, hopes that you can deliver him or her from suffering through rituals. This is one type, if it is the other type, which is your karmic creditors, here to find trouble and to disturb you, this is also possible.
但是其實,如果說我們要解決生活當中碰到了所有的問題,我現在的回答其實也可以回答很多同修的一些很多的問題。在生活上所遇到的,無論是大大小小的事情,最好的方法沒有超過這句:『南無阿彌陀佛』這個力量! 我要講這個方法的時候,其實背後我都有很多話,想要解釋…為什麼? 因為很多人都看不起這句佛號的力量,都體會不到這句佛號的力量,所以我都很深怕當我這樣回答,建議的時候他心裡就想: 就這樣子而已?
In fact, if we want to solve any problem that we encounter in our lives, my present answer can also be a response to the problems of many fellow practitioners. Whatever you encounter in your life, no matter how big or small the issues are, the best solution cannot be exceeded by this sentence: "Namo Amituofo" this source of power and strength! Whenever I talk about this method, actually I have much to say, I need to explain... why? Because many people look down upon the power of Amitabha Buddha’s name, they cannot truly comprehend the power of Amitabha Buddha’s name, therefore, I am deeply afraid that if I just give this as my response as a suggestion, he might think, “Only this?”
其實這個是最殊勝的方法。你去見很多高深大德,你看【廣欽老和尚語錄】你就看一些高官、知識份子,慕名而來的人來請教他,特地要請教他問題,什麼狀況要怎麼解決?他就說好好回去念:『南無阿彌陀佛』。都是這樣的回答,那高僧大德也不可能不懂其它的方法,也不可能敷衍你。那為什麼都是這樣來建議呢? 確實這一句佛號,可以解決一切的事情。
This is actually the most excellent and powerful method. Consider many eminent monks with great virtue, if you read "Words from Venerable Master Guang Qing". You will see that many high level officers and intellectuals went to learn from him because of his renowned reputation, specially sought his advice, on solving their problems in various scenarios? The Master would reply by saying go home and recite: "Namo Amituofo". It was always the same answer, it was not possible that the eminent monk with great virtue did not know other methods, he would not give you a perfunctory answer either. So why would he give you this suggestion? Indeed, Amitabha Buddha’s name can solve all problems.
我剛剛開頭的時候,我就已經先給大家這個概念,所以我們今天五天下來,其實都要深入來瞭解,這句佛號的力量。你真正瞭解怎麼去稱念它,你真正體會到這句佛號的力量。你才有辦法用正確的方法去跟它感應,然後從中得到受用。方法很簡單--就是念佛。無論大大小小的事情,小孩子發燒、不好帶,業障冤親債主附身,什麼有的沒的通通都可以用這句佛號來解決! 但是問題是你要懂得怎麼念它,讓它產生力量? 這個是我們要下功夫的地方。
At the beginning of this talk, I have already introduced this concept to you in advance, hence in the following five days, we will actually delve deeper into the understanding of the power of Amitabha Buddha’s name. When you truly understand how to recite it, you will truly comprehend the power of Amitabha Buddha’s name. You can then employ the correct method to connect with it and to receive true benefits from it. The method is simple: just recite the name of Amitabha Buddha. No matter how big or small the issue is, when your child has a fever or is difficult to manage, or you are possessed by karmic creditors, everything big and small can be solved with the name of Amitabha Buddha! The issue is that you need to know how to recite it, to give rise to its power? This where we need to put all of our efforts.
Therefore, when you go home, first begin by seriously and earnestly reciting Amitabha Buddha’s name, from morning to night recite the name of Amitabha Buddha whenever you have time, recite it out if it is convenient, try your best to recite it out so that you can help other beings as well.
If it is not convenient... if someone beside you is a Christian, you should not recite openly but silently in your mind. At any time of the day, even before going to sleep, you should bring the name of Amitabha Buddha into your sleep. In this way, everything can be improved, however, if through diligent learning to uphold the name of Amitabha Buddha, the power is very very great!
好! 我最近就前不久在那個永平那一邊… 因為我這一趟來馬來西亞,一個多月了也是在很多學會,已經跟大家結過緣,那麼在那個地方剛好是住一個居士家裡。
Ok! I recently went to a place named Yong Pin… as during this trip to Malaysia for more than a month, I have been to many Buddhist Associations and have established numerous affinities with people, and over there incidentally I was staying in the home of a lay practitioner.
這一次在那邊是住四天,才進去第一天我就感覺,附近的狗一直在吠一直在哭。狗吠的聲音你們知道,不用我表演,那個不太好聽,牠一直吠我就覺得說:這個有問題,可能這附近可能有一些亡靈在活動,狗很多隻一直在哭,不是在吠…在哭,不是這樣叫…是在哭的那種,很悽慘的聲音,牠是通常看到鬼道眾生,牠們會哭的,或者是會怕! 很淒涼的那種聲音,我就覺得這附近有問題。
I stayed there for four days this time, on the first day when I was there, the dogs nearby kept barking or crying. You all know the sound of dogs barking, I don’t have to demonstrate to you, the sound is not pleasant, the dogs kept barking and I felt that there was a problem, there may be some souls of the dead moving about nearby, many dogs kept crying, they were not barking... but crying, not the barking type... but the crying type of sound, very sorrowful sound, dogs can usually see ghostly beings, they would cry, it could be that they were afraid! The sound of desolation, I felt that there was a problem in the vicinity.
後來到了第二天,第三天的時候,晚上我睡覺的時候,我感覺到旁邊有一團氣體。 在半夢半醒之間,通常我作夢的時候,我都覺得我還是很清醒,我知道我正在作夢,我一向來都是這樣,那當時我意識到旁邊有一團氣體,我確定那個是亡靈,是鬼道眾生。 因為我曾經在清醒的時候,親眼看過一次,其它時候我從來沒有跟這些眾生有太過直接的緣。這個是因為以前我都常常跟佛菩薩講: 你叫這些眾生不要來找我,等我成就以後再度他們。 有事情的話你們去找阿彌陀佛,不要來找我,因為能力有限。 我們女眾身體比較虛弱,鬼道眾生萬一一靠近我們,承受不了!
On the second day or the third day, when I slept at night I felt an aura around me. When I was half-asleep usually in my dreams, I could feel that I was still quite clearheaded, I knew that I was in a dream, I am always like that, I was aware that there was an aura by my side, I was certain that it was the soul of a deceased person, a sentient being in existence as a hungry ghost, because there was once when I was awaken , I ever saw once with my own eyes, on other occasions, I did not have much affinity with these beings. This is because I always said to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to please ask those beings not to come to me, I will save them after have achieved success. If there is anything you ghosts may look for Amitabha Buddha, please do not look for me as I have limited ability. We women are physically weaker, when ghostly beings come near us, we cannot take it!
(十九) 對佛號有信心才能產生力量
所以有人打我的主意,我們這裡有會長想要叫我去做三時繫念的主法和尚尼。不可不可,千萬不可! 我們沒有那個能力! 那當時我就感覺它有一團氣體,那個力量很大一團,搞不好不是只有一個眾生而已。那我就當下…我就,沒有任何的一個想法,我立刻就是念一句: 南無阿彌陀佛! 才一句而已… 這些氣體立刻就離開,不見了,我不知道去哪裡了。
Someone once thought of some ideas for me, a chairman of a Buddhist Association wanted me to act as the main female preceptor of a Thrice Yearning ceremony. No, no, I refused, there is no way that I would do that! I do not have the ability to do that! At that moment, I felt an aura, one with huge mass and with a large force, it may not be just one ghostly being. I immediately ... I did, I did not have any other thought, I immediately recited: “Namo Amituofo!” Just recited once only and the aura went away, it disappeared, I did not know where it went.
因為我們常聽到會有眾生,有鬼,被鬼壓。很多同修都有這種經驗,被鬼壓! 它可能想壓我,但是沒有辦法壓,它就是在旁邊…然後我這…南無阿彌陀佛,一句就不見了! 我感覺它就沒有在我的身邊,因為它是動的,如果在身邊我會很明顯的感覺到。然後,這一句念完以後,我立刻又觀想西方三聖,來接引它們到極樂世界去,這樣就更圓滿了。不管來的是討債的或是討功德的,反正都給它送走就對了,這一句很有力量,就是看你有沒有信心。
Because we often hear of other sentient beings, ghosts, being held down by ghosts. Many practitioners have similar experiences, being held down by ghosts! It might have wanted to hold me down, but it could not do it, so it stayed on my side…later, I recited... Namo Amituofo just once and it vanished! I felt that it was no longer beside me, because it was moving, if it was by my side, I would clearly feel it. Right after I recited Amitabha Buddha’s name once, then I visualized the Three Saints of the West, coming to take them to the World of Ultimate Bliss, this would then be perfect and complete. Whether it came to ask for the repayment of debts or to ask for virtues and merits, delivering them to the Pure Land is always the right thing to do, Amitahba Buddha’s name is very powerful, and it all depends on whether you have the strength of faith.
在許多年前我初學的時候,是沒有用的… 念這句佛號我覺得是沒有用的… 因為我當時沒有信心,我也曾經在睡夢中念佛…我才念了三句阿彌陀佛… 怎麼沒有效? 我又念,地藏王菩薩… 那個妄念很多,而且是抱著一種念念看有沒有效那種心情…我想很多同修,都是這種心情來念…
When I began studying Buddhism many years ago, the recitation of Amitabha Buddha’s name was not useful for me… reciting the name of Amitabha Buddha, I felt that it was not useful for me… because I did not have faith in it at that time, I have ever recited Amitabha Buddha’s name in my dreams… I only recited three times…Why was it not effective? I started to recite the name of Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva… there were many delusions and I was trying out to see, if it had any effect…I think that many practitioners recite Amitabha Buddha’s name with such feelings…
我以前怎麼念都沒有效,我也做過惡夢,反正念了三句阿彌陀佛,就覺得沒有效... 我應該要念地藏王菩薩… 反正地藏王菩薩是管鬼道的,很多同修都是這樣想,就沒有效了。那時候還為了這個事情很煩惱,慘了慘了! 佛號都沒有效那怎麼辦? 原來是我們不會念! 我們要有信心懂得怎麼念的話,一句的力量就非常的大。
It was not effective no matter how hard I recited previously, I also had bad dreams, since I recited Amitabha Buddha’s name thrice, and felt it was ineffective...I should recite the name of Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva...anyway Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva is in charge of the ghost realm, many practitioners would think in this manner, then it would be ineffective. I was troubled by this issue back then. How miserable! What can I do if reciting the name of Amitabha Buddha is ineffective? The truth is that we do not know how to recite! If we have faith and know how to recite, reciting Amitabha Buddha's name just once will have great power.
Therefore, you should come more often to listen to Dharma talks, listen more to lectures on Buddhist sutras from the theoretical aspects, have real understanding of the merits and virtues of Amitabha Buddha’s name, and the most important thing is that you need to practice, although you may not experience it right now, merits and virtues from the recitation have yet to manifest power and strength, however, in the continuous and honest recitation of Amitabha Buddha’s name, you will naturally and gradually gain experience, and will have faith in this name of Amitabha Buddha, because at the moment when you recite, you will naturally receive some responses, you would feel that things are seemingly more smooth sailing, it can help you avoid calamities and difficulties. In the following days I will give you more actual examples, to strengthen your faith and to avoid calamities and difficulties. Before we achieve rebirth in the Pure Land, at the present moment we can also receive various support and blessings from Amitabha Buddha’s light, even to receive various types of responses, in the following days I will talk about them.
那今天時間到了,那我們就學習到這裡。這個因緣非常的難得,希望大家回去趕快,想盡辦法左鄰右舍全部帶來,我們還有一點點空位,把它坐滿。這個是我替你們度人成佛的一個機會,我是義務的,你們趕快帶來我負責幫你們度,功德算你們的。你沒有帶來他怎麼聽到佛法? 怎麼能成佛? 只要帶來,保證他能成佛! 不是我的力量,是阿彌陀佛的力量! 所以你要用一些善巧,用賄賂的也好…我請你吃飯,這個大飯店…來吃一餐不錯! 不過要吃素的才可以,不要為了聽經又去造業要去吃葷的。好! 那我們明天繼續學習。阿彌陀佛!
The time is up for today and we will end our study here. This is a very rare affinity, I hope that when back at home, everyone would quickly try your best to get your neighbors to come, and we still have a few unoccupied seats, let’s fill them up. This is an opportunity that I give you to help people to become Buddhas, I am working voluntarily, all of you quickly bring them here and I will help you to deliver them, the merit and virtue of deliverance belongs to you. If you do not bring them here, how would they hear about the Buddha Dharma? How would they attain Buddhahood? If you bring them, it is guaranteed that they can attain Buddhahood! It is not my power, it is the power of Amitabha Buddha! You require the use of some skillful methods, using bribe is fine too…invite them to a meal, to this large restaurant... not bad to have a meal here! But only eat vegetarian food, do not, in order to listen to Dharma talks, consume meat and accumulate more karmic sins. Alright! We will continue our studies tomorrow.
Namo Amituofo!