The key to reciting sutras

Based on the teacher’s teachings on good knowledge and his own experience of holding precepts, I will summarize a few tips for memorizing the vows to help everyone learn more with less effort.

XNUMX. Regardless of the most important principle of memorizing sutras, mantras, or commandments, it must be memorized one sentence by sentence or a short paragraph before memorizing it. Don’t be greedy to memorize a whole passage at a time. This will make it easy to miss words and not easy to memorize in the future. Cooked.

XNUMX. Before memorizing new content each time, you must repeat all the previous contents to make the full text coherent. Do not read the text when you recite, except for the uncertain words.

XNUMX. After all the content is memorized, you should repeat and recite without reading the text for a long time, so as not to forget it for a long time. Because you need to recite the precepts for half a month and half a month, you should recite as much as possible and less silently. In this way, the sound can be smooth and natural only when the precepts are recited for half a month.

XNUMX. Develop the habit of reciting the scriptures daily, no matter how much you memorize, you can avoid diseases such as dementia.

XNUMX. Usually listen to the explanation, understand the meaning of the content memorized, often sit still and contemplate the meaning of the Dharma, so that the impression will be more deep, not easy to forget, and more able to use the contemplation skills in life.